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For there is no [more] lasting remembrance of the wise man than of the fool, since in the days to come all will be long forgotten. And how does the wise man die? Even as the fool!

I said to myself, “God will judge the righteous and the wicked, since there is a time for every activity and every work.”

I concluded that it is worthwhile for people to find joy in their accomplishments, because that is their inheritance, since who can see what will exist after them?

For he came out of the prison house to reign, {since he was born poor in his kingdom}.

Watch your step whenever you visit God's house, and come more ready to listen than to offer a fool's sacrifice, since fools never think they're doing evil.

Don't be impulsive with your mouth nor be in a hurry to talk in God's presence. Since God is in heaven and you're on earth, keep your speech short.

When you make a promise to God, don't fail to keep it, since he isn't pleased with fools. Keep what you promise

For he will not brood much over the days of his life, since God will keep him occupied with the joys of his heart.

It is better to go to a house of mourning
than to go to a house of feasting,
since that is the end of all mankind,
and the living should take it to heart.

since you also know how often you have cursed others.

Do not be in a hurry; leave his presence, and don’t persist in a bad cause, since he will do whatever he wants.

Since the word of the king [is] supreme, no one can say to him, "What are you doing?"

But things will not go well for the wicked person: he will not lengthen his life like a shadow, since he has no fear before God.

Then extolled I, gladness, in that there was nothing better for a man, under the sun, than to eat and to drink, and to be glad, - since, that, should tarry with him in his toil, for the days of his life which God had given him under the sun.

But there is hope for whoever is joined with all the living, since a live dog is better than a dead lion.

At least the living know they will die, but the dead know nothing; they no longer have a reward, since memory about them has been forgotten.

Sow your seed in the morning, and don't stop working until evening, since you don't know which of your endeavors will do well, whether this one or that, or even if both will do equally well.

Indeed, if a man lives many years,
let him rejoice in them all,
and let him remember the days of darkness, since they will be many.
All that comes is futile.