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While going up to Jerusalem, Jesus took the 12 disciples aside privately and said to them on the way:

"Now look, we are going up to Jerusalem and [while there] the Son of man will be turned over to the leading priests and experts in the law of Moses. They will condemn Him to death,

and most of the crowd kept spreading their garments along the road, while others cut branches from the trees and carpeted the road with them,

while the crowd that were marching before, and behind, cried out, "Hosanna to the son of David: blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna, Hosanna."

While he was still in the Temple Courts, some blind and some lame people came up to him, and he cured them.

Now early while returning to the city, he was hungry.

And [after] he arrived at the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came up to him [while he] was teaching, saying, "By what authority are you doing these [things]? And who gave you this authority?"

Yes, and he who falls on this stone will be dashed to pieces, while any one on whom it falls--it will scatter him as dust."

And, while seeking to lay hold on Him, they feared the multitudes, since they were holding Him as a prophet.

The rest [of the invited guests] seized his servants and mistreated them [insulting and humiliating them] and killed them.

Heavy and cumbrous burdens they bind together and load men's shoulders with them, while as for themselves, not with one finger do they choose to lift them.

They love to recline at the head place at dinner tables [Note: This referred to the practice of lying down on their left side on a couch next to the dinner table, and leaning on their left elbow, while eating with their right hand], and to occupy the principal seats in the synagogues.

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows houses, even while for a pretence ye make long prayers: therefore ye shall receive greater condemnation.

while a man, swearing by Heaven, swears by the throne of God, and by him who sits upon it.

You blind guides, straining out the gnat while you gulp down the camel!

Alas for you, Teachers of the Law and Pharisees, hypocrites that you are! You are like whitewashed tombs, which indeed look fair outside, while inside they are filled with dead men's bones and all kinds of filth.

for I tell you, after a while, ye shall not see me again, till ye shall cry out, "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord."

While Jesus was seated on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, and said, “Tell us, when will this [destruction of the temple] take place, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end (completion, consummation) of the age?”

At that time there will be two men [working] in a field; one will be taken [i.e., to be with the Lord. See I Thess. 4:17], while the other one will be left [i.e., to be punished by the Lord. See II Thess. 1:7-9].

Two women will be grinding grain at a millstone [Note: This was a hand-operated device where two persons sat across from each other and rotated a circular stone over kernels of grain]; one will be taken, while the other one will be left.

But if that wicked servant say in his heart, My master will be a long while ere he comes;

and should begin to beat his fellow servants, while he eats and drinks with drunkards;

While the prudent ones, besides taking their lamps, took oil in their jars.

But they said, Not while the feast is going on, for fear of trouble among the people.

Now [while] Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper,

a woman came up to him holding an alabaster flask of very expensive perfumed oil, and poured [it] out on his head [while he] was reclining at table.

Jesus reply'd, I am: moreover I declare to you, within a while ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven.

while they taunted Him, saying, "Christ, prove yourself a Prophet by telling us who it was that struck you."

And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee.

Therefore, while they were together, Pilate said to them: Which do you wish me to release to you, Barabbas, or Jesus, who is called Christ?

And while he was sitting on the judgment-seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that righteous man; for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.

And while they were coming out, they saw a man of Cyrene, Simon by name, and they made him go with them, so that he might take up his cross.

the passengers all the while reviling him, shook their heads at him,

while the rest said, "Let us see whether Elijah is coming to deliver him."

Many women were there looking on from a distance, who had followed Jesus from Galilee while ministering to Him.

So, they went and secured the grave site, placing a [wax] seal on the stone, while the guards watched.

Now while they were going, behold, some of the guard came into the city, and told unto the chief priests all the things that were come to pass.

People from the whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem were flocking to him, being baptized by him while they confessed their sins.

While Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were throwing a net into the sea because they were fishermen.

So, they went to Capernaum [Note: This was a city in Galilee that later became Jesus' headquarters while in Galilee. See verse

and while he was speaking, the leprosy left him in an instant, and he was cur'd.

And so many people collected together, that after a while there was no room for them even round the door; and he began to tell them his Message.

While he was speaking his message, they came bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four men.

While He was reclining at the table in Levi’s house, many tax collectors and sinners were also guests with Jesus and His disciples, because there were many who were following Him.

Now John's disciples and the Pharisees were keeping a fast, and people came and asked Jesus: "Why is it that John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, while yours do not?"

And it happened that he was going through the grain fields on the Sabbath, and his disciples began to make [their] way [while] plucking off the heads of grain.

howhe entered into the house of God, while Abiathar was High-priest, and, the presence-bread, did eat, - which it is not allowed to eat, save unto the priests, - and gave, unto them also who were with him?

and the impure spirits, as soon as they beheld him, were falling down to him, and crying aloud, while he was speaking, Thou, art the Son of God!

Again He began to teach by the sea, and a very large crowd gathered around Him. So He got into a boat on the sea and sat down, while the whole crowd was on the shore facing the sea.

He began teaching them many things in parables. While he was teaching them he said,

And it happened that while [he] was sowing, {some seed} fell on the side of the path, and the birds came and devoured it.

so that while seeing, they may see and not perceive, and while hearing, they may hear and not understand, otherwise they might return and be forgiven.”

and they have no root in themselves, but endure for a while; then, when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, straightway they stumble.

For, to those who have, more will be given; while, from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away."

and he goes to bed at night and gets up every day, and [in the meantime] the seed sprouts and grows; how [it does this], he does not know.

But except in figurative language He spoke nothing to them; while to His own disciples He expounded everything, in private.

When Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered around Him while He was by the sea.

While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said, Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?

But others said, "He is [the prophet] Elijah" [while] others said, "He is a prophet like one of the prophets [of old]."

And the king, while made very sorry, on account of the oaths and those lying at table with him would not break his word with her.

And because He saw that they were struggling at the oars, for the wind was against them, a while before daybreak He started toward them walking on the sea, and He meant to go right up beside them.

"Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites," He replied; "as it is written, "'This People honour Me with their lips, while their hearts are far away from Me:

"John the Baptist," they answered, "but others say Elijah, while others say one of the Prophets."

And while they were coming down from the mountain, he gave them orders not to give word to any man of the things they had seen, till the Son of man had come back from the dead.

Then they came to Capernaum. While Jesus was at home, he asked the disciples, "What were you arguing about on the road?"

And while he was going out into the way, a man came running to him, and went down on his knees, saying, Good Master, what have I to do so that I may have eternal life?

One day, when they were on their way, going up to Jerusalem, Jesus was walking in front of the Apostles, who were filled with misgivings; while those who were following behind were alarmed. Gathering the Twelve round him once more, Jesus began to tell them what was about to happen to him.

So they went and found the colt outside in the street tied up next to a doorway. While they were untying it,

Many people spread their coats on the road, while others spread leafy branches that they had cut in the fields.

while those who led the way and those who followed kept shouting "God save Him!" Blessed be He who comes in the Lord's name.

Next day, while they were walking over from Bethany, He felt hungry.

And Jesus answered and said to it, "Never man eat fruit of thee hereafter while the world standeth." And his disciples heard it.

While they were walking along early the next morning, they saw the fig tree dried up to its roots.

And they came again to Jerusalem: and while he was walking in the Temple, there came to him the chief priests and the scribes and those in authority:

Then Jesus address'd himself to them in this parabolical manner. a certain person planted a vineyard, made a fence about it, clear'd the way for a wine-press, built a tower, and committed it to the care of vine-dressers, while he was travelling abroad.

And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the Son of David?

For every one else put in something from what he had to spare, while she, in her need, put in all she had--everything that she had to live on."