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Reference: Dalmanutha


A town or village near the city of Magdala, Mr 8:10. Compare Mt 15:39. The exact situation of this place is uncertain; it lay, however, on the western shore of the sea of Galilee, north of Tiberias.

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a place on the west of the Sea of Galilee, mentioned only in Mr 8:10. In the parallel passage it is said that Christ came "into the borders of Magdala" (Mt 15:39). It is plain, then, that Dalmanutha was near Magdala, which was probably the Greek name of one of the many Migdols (i.e., watch-towers) on the western side of the lake of Gennesaret. It has been identified in the ruins of a village about a mile from Magdala, in the little open valley of 'Ain-el-Barideh, "the cold fountain," called el-Mejdel, possibly the "Migdal-el" of Jos 19:38.

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On the W. of the sea of Galilee as what Mark (Mr 8:10) calls "the regions of Dalmanutha." Matthew (Mt 15:39) calls "the borders of Magdala." Magdala was at the S. end of the plain of Gennesaret, near the water. Dalmanutha is probably now 'Ain-el-Barideh, "the cold fountain," surrounded by ancient walls and ruins of a village, at the mouth of a glen a mile S. of Magdala, near the beach.

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Hither Christ sailed after feeding the four thousand (Mr 8:10). In Mt 15:39 Magadan is substituted. No satisfactory conjecture has yet been offered as to the explanation of either name, or the identification of either place.

R. A. S. Macalister.

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District on the west of the Lake of Gennesaret. Mr 8:10. By comparing Mt 15:39 it will be seen to be in the same neighbourhood as Magdala or Magadan. Not identified.

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a town on the west side of the Sea of Galilee, near Magdala.

Mt 15:39

and Mark 8:10 [MAGDALA] Dalmnnutha probably stood at the place called 'Ain-el-Barideh, "the cold fountain."

See Magdala

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DALMANUTHA. St. Mark says that Jesus Christ embarked with his disciples on the lake of Tiberias, and came to Dalmanutha, Mr 8:10, but St. Matthew calls it Magdala, Mt 15:39. It seems that Dalmanutha was near to Magdala, on the western side of the lake.

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