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Reference: Dowry


In eastern countries the bridegroom was required to pay the father of his betrothed a stipulated portion, in money or other valuables, portion, in money or other valuables, proportioned to the rank and station of the family to which she belonged; this was the dowry. Jacob purchased his wives by his services to their father, Ge 29:18-27; 34:12; Ex 22:16-17; 1Sa 18:25; Ho 3:2.

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(mohar; i.e., price paid for a wife, Ge 34:12; Ex 22:17; 1Sa 18:25), a nuptial present; some gift, as a sum of money, which the bridegroom offers to the father of his bride as a satisfaction before he can receive her. Jacob had no dowry to give for his wife, but he gave his services (Ge 29:18; 30:20; 34:12).

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The sum paid by a man to the relatives of the woman who becomes his wife. Ge 34:12; Ex 22:16-17; 1Sa 18:25: cf. Ho 3:2. Leah, on having her sixth son, piously said, "God hath endued me with a good dowry." Ge 30:20. The dowry which Jacob gave for his wives was seven years' service for each. Ge 29:18,27.

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See Marriage



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