6 occurrences in 6 dictionaries

Reference: Emmaus


1. The village where our Lord revealed himself to two of his disciples, on the afternoon of his resurrection-day. It lay about seven and a half miles, sixty furlongs, northwest from Jerusalem, Lu 24:13-33. Some manuscripts, however, read one hundred and sixty furlongs, instead of sixty; and Eusebius and Jerome locate Emmaus at the ancient Nicopolis, twenty miles west-north-west of Jerusalem, where a village called Amwas still exists. Dr. Robinson inclines to this location.

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hot baths, a village "three-score furlongs" from jerusalem, where our Lord had an interview with two of his disciples on the day of his resurrection (Lu 24:13). This has been identified with the modern el-Kubeibeh, lying over 7 miles north-west of Jerusalem. This name, el-Kubeibeh, meaning "little dome," is derived from the remains of the Crusaders' church yet to be found there. Others have identified it with the modern Khurbet Khamasa i.e., "the ruins of Khamasa", about 8 miles south-west of Jerusalem, where there are ruins also of a Crusaders' church. Its site, however has been much disputed.

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The village (60 stadia or furlongs, i.e. seven and a half miles, from Jerusalem) to which two disciples were walking on the day of Jesus' resurrection when He joined them unrecognized. The Greek Church place it at Kuriet el Enab (Abu Ghosh). The old name now reappears in Ainwas. But Conder (Palestine Exploration Quarterly Statement, October, 1876, p. 173) identifies it with Khamasa (a form of the Hebrew Hammath), a ruin close to the modern village wady Fukin, about eight miles from Jerusalem, near the Roman road from Jerusalem, passing Solomon's pools, to Beit Jibrin.


1. A village sixty furlongs from Jerusalem, where the risen Christ made Himself known to two disciples (Lu 24:13). There is no clue to the position of this place, and it has been sought in Kubeibeh, N.W. of the city; in Kuloniyeh, W. of it; in Khamasah to the S.W.; and in 'Urtas to the S. The traditional site is Emmaus Nicopolis ('Amwas), W. of Jerusalem, which, however, is much too far

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A village about threescore furlongs from Jerusalem, that is, about 7 miles, whither the two disciples were 'travelling on the day of the resurrection, to whom the Lord made Himself known. Lu 24:13. Some identify it with ruins at Khamaseh, about 8 miles S.W. of Jerusalem; others with el Kubeibeh, about 7? miles N.W. of Jerusalem: but there are no data for its identification.

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EMMAUS, a village about eight miles northwest of Jerusalem; on the road to which two of the disciples were travelling in sorrow and disappointment after the resurrection, when our Lord appeared to them, and held that memorable conversation with them which is recorded by St. Luke, 24.

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