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Reference: Jesus


(1.) Joshua, the son of Nun (Ac 7:45; Heb 4:8; R.V., "Joshua").

(2.) A Jewish Christian surnamed Justus (Col 4:11).

Je'sus, the proper, as Christ is the official, name of our Lord. To distinguish him from others so called, he is spoken of as "Jesus of Nazareth" (Joh 18:7), and "Jesus the son of Joseph" (Joh 6:42).

This is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, which was originally Hoshea (Nu 13:8,16), but changed by Moses into Jehoshua (Nu 13:16; 1Ch 7:27), or Joshua. After the Exile it assumed the form Jeshua, whence the Greek form Jesus. It was given to our Lord to denote the object of his mission, to save (Mt 1:21).

The life of Jesus on earth may be divided into two great periods, (1) that of his private life, till he was about thirty years of age; and (2) that of his public life, which lasted about three years.

In the "fulness of time" he was born at Bethlehem, in the reign of the emperor Augustus, of Mary, who was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter (Mt 1:1; Lu 3:23; comp. Joh 7:42). His birth was announced to the shepherds (Lu 2:8-20). Wise men from the east came to Bethlehem to see him who was born "King of the Jews," bringing gifts with them (Mt 2:1-12). Herod's cruel jealousy led to Joseph's flight into Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus, where they tarried till the death of this king (Mt 2:13-23), when they returned and settled in Nazareth, in Lower Galilee (Mt 2:23; comp. Lu 4:16; Joh 1:46, etc.). At the age of twelve years he went up to Jerusalem to the Passover with his parents. There, in the temple, "in the midst of the doctors," all that heard him were "astonished at his understanding and answers" (Lu 2:41, etc.).

Eighteen years pass, of which we have no record beyond this, that he returned to Nazareth and "increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man" (Lu 2:52).

He entered on his public ministry when he was about thirty years of age. It is generally reckoned to have extended to about three years. "Each of these years had peculiar features of its own. (1.) The first year may be called the year of obscurity, both because the records of it which we possess are very scanty, and because he seems during it to have been only slowly emerging into public notice. It was spent for the most part in Judea. (2.) The second year was the year of public favour, during which the country had become thoroughly aware of him; his activity was incessant, and his frame rang through the length and breadth of the land. It was almost wholly passed in Galilee. (3.) The third was the year of opposition, when the public favour ebbed away. His enemies multiplied and assailed him with more and more pertinacity, and at last he fell a victim to their hatred. The first six months of this final year were passed in Galilee, and the last six in other parts of the land.", Stalker's Life of Jesus Christ, p. 45.

The only reliable sources of information regarding the life of Christ on earth are the Gospels, which present in historical detail the words and the work of Christ in so many different aspects. (See Christ.)

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1. Greek of Joshua, Jeshua, or Jehoshua ("salvation of Jehovah"): Ac 7:45; Heb 4:8.

2. Called Justus: with Paul, at Rome, saluted the Colossians (Col 4:11): "of the circumcision, a fellow worker unto the kingdom of God," and so "a comfort" to the apostle.

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JESUS, the Gr. form of the name Joshua or Jeshua, is employed as a designation of

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Jesus. Je'sus

1. The Greek form of Joshua, it occurs in Ac 7:45; Heb, 4:8, for Joshua the son of Nun.

2. Jesus called JUSTUS. A fellow-worker who had been a comfort to Paul while a prisoner at Rome. Col 4:11.

Jesus, Je'sus The Lord.

Jesus is the pre-announced name of the Son of God as man. It signifies 'Jehovah the Saviour.' Mt 1:21. What is revealed of Him historically may be thus divided:-

1. His birth and early years until He was about thirty years old.

2. His baptism by John; His being anointed with the Holy Ghost, and consequently John's testimony that He was the Lamb of God, the Baptiser with the Holy Ghost, and the Son of God. This testimony attracted, as to a new centre, some of John's disciples. Subsequently, and before entering upon His public ministry, He was led of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

3. His public ministry, extending over the period of three-and-a-half years.

4. His sufferings and death upon the cross.

5. His resurrection and subsequent exaltation to glory.

1. Begotten by the power of the Holy Ghost, He was born of the Virgin Mary, as predicted in Isa 7:14. The details of this wonderful event are given in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. The former gospel records the accomplishment of the prophetic word that God would be present with His people, signified by the name Immanuel, 'God with us.' The latter, that the babe born of Mary was 'that Holy thing,' called "the Son of God." For thirty years He led a life of lowly retirement, but the references of scripture to this period show that He grew up under the eye of God in the perfection of manhood, and yet in conscious Sonship to the Father, the vessel of the grace and wisdom of God.

2. At thirty years of age He took His place in Jordan with the repentant remnant of Israel, entering in by the door according to divine appointment, and He fulfilled righteousness in being baptised of John. He was at once owned of God by being sealed with the Holy Ghost, as distinct from all the others baptised, a voice from heaven declaring "Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased." The gospel of John, at this moment, shows the momentous issues which hung upon the truth of His person. The taking away of the sin of the world by the Lamb of God, the baptising with the Holy Ghost, and Himself as the powerful attraction and commanding object for repentant sinners. The gospels of Matthew and Luke here record His being led of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. It was necessary that the tempter of man should be overcome by man, and Jesus overcame all the wiles of Satan by the spiritual power of the word of God. Thus vanquished, the devil left Him for a season.

3. In the power of the Spirit (John the Baptist's preparatory ministry having closed through his imprisonment by Herod) He now commenced the marvellous ministry of divine words and works of grace and power which is presented to us in the four gospels.

In Matthew we see Him as the Seed of promise, the Son of Abraham, and as the Son of David, the Heir of the throne of the Lord in Israel; He is also Emmanuel, the Jehovah of Israel.

In Mark He is viewed as the Son and Servant of God, acting and speaking for God in the midst of the circumstances of sin and sorrow into which He had entered.

In Luke He is Son of man, yet altogether of a new order of manhood, the vessel of grace for man in the like circumstances of sin and sorrow.

In John He is the Word, the Light and Revelation of God, but He became flesh and tabernacled here, full of grace and truth; and, as the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He fully declared God, whom no man had seen at any time. It is said of Him, that He "went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil." He relieved man of every pressure which sin had brought upon him. He preached glad tidings to the poor, and brought to man the light of another sphere

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1. The Greek form of the name Joshua or Jeshua, a contraction of Jehoshua, that is, "help of Jehovah" or "saviour."

Nu 13:16

2. Joshua the son of Nun.

Nu 27:18; Heb 4:8


See Jehoshua

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