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Reference: Meshach




the title given to Mishael, one of the three Hebrew youths who were under training at the Babylonian court for the rank of Magi (Da 1:7; 2:49; 3:12-30). This was probably the name of some Chaldean god.

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The Babylonian name given to Mishael, one of Daniel's three companions, of the blood royal of Judah (fulfilling the prophetic threat, Isa 39:7); with the first syllable of Mish-ael retained, but Sheik the Babylonian goddess (from whom Babylon is called Shesbach, Jer 25:26) being substituted for El; the goddess of love and mirth, during whose feast Cyrus took Babylon, Venus or the Earth. "In whom was no blemish, well favored, skillful in all wisdom, cunning in knowledge, understanding science, having ability to stand in the king's palace," after Ashpenaz had put him in charge of the Melzar or "steward" to teach him "the learning and tongue of the Chaldaeans." (See MELZAR.) Appointed by the king a "daily provision of the king's meat (dainties) and wine three years, that at the end he might stand before the king" as an attendant courtier and counselor; not eunuch.

Like Daniel he refused the king's dainties with determined "purpose" (Da 1:8-16) because a portion of the viands and wine were first offered to idols on the hearth to consecrate the whole (De 32:38; 1Co 8:7,10; 10:27-28). (See DANIEL.) The faith of these youths was made instrumental in overruling the foretold evil (Eze 4:13; Ho 9:3) to the glory of God; they "chose affliction with the people of God rather than the pleasures of sin for a season" (Heb 11:24-26). So far from losing by faithfulness, they "appeared in countenance fairer and fatter than all who did eat the king's meat," illustrating De 8:3; 1Ki 3:11-13; Mt 6:33.

God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom; and "the king found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers in all his realm." Daniel, when promoted to be chief governor over all the wise men of Babylon and ruler over the whole province, remembered his three friends (contrast Ge 40:23; Ec 9:15-16; Am 6:6); and at his request the king set them over the affairs of the province of Babylon (Da 2:48-49). Then followed the trial of their faith (1Pe 1:7). They refused to bow to the king's image, which, like antichrist, he set up to be worshipped on pain of the fiery furnace (Re 13:14).

They reply, "we are not careful to answer thee in this matter" (Mt 10:19,28). Parleying, where duty is plain, is fatal; decision is safety. They answer his challenge, "who is that God that shall deliver you?" with "our God is able ... and He will deliver us," either from death or in death (2Ti 4:17-18). "But if not" literally, as He is able, still "we will not serve thy gods" (Job 13:15). The flame slew their persecutors (Ps 7:16), but "not an hair of their head was singed" (Lu 12:7; 21:18). The fire only burnt their bonds, so that they "walked loose in the midst of the fire" (Joh 8:36; Ps 138:7; Isa 43:1-2); Jehovah was a wall of fire round them against their foes (Zec 2:5). So the king promoted them in the province, illustrating Pr 16:7; 28:23; Ps 119:46.

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The name Mishael, by which one of Da niel's three companions, of the children of Judah, was originally called, was changed by the prince of the eunuchs into Meshach (Da 1:7,3). Such changes of name were not uncommon; they marked the fact that a new state of life had now begun. The meaning of the name is quite uncertain.

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Name given by the prince of the eunuchs to Mishael, one of Daniel's companions at Babylon: he was one of the three noble men who, faithful to God in refusing to worship the image set up by the king, were cast into the fiery furnace; but were miraculously preserved by God, there being not even the smell of fire on their garments. Nebuchadnezzar blessed their God, who had thus delivered them, and they were promoted in the province of Babylon. Da 1:7; 2:49; 3:12-30. Nebuchadnezzar, head of the Gentile power, having been brought into a prominent position by God is compelled to own the God of this captive but faithful remnant, who had shown His power in protecting those who were faithful to Him.

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(guest of a king), the name given to Mishael, one of the companions of Daniel, who with three others was taught,

Da 1:4

and qualified to "stand before" King Nebuchadnezzar,

Da 1:5

as his personal attendants and advisers.

Da 1:20

But notwithstanding their Chaldeans education, these three young Hebrews were strongly attached to the religion of their fathers; and their refusal to join in the worship of the image on the plain of Dura gave a handle of accusation to the Chaldeans. The rage of the king, the swift sentence of condemnation passed upon the three offenders, their miraculous preservation from the fiery furnace heated seven times hotter than usual, the king's acknowledgement of the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, with their restoration to office, are written in the third chapter of Daniel, and there the history leaves them.

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