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Exact Match

A bundle of myrrh is my well beloved to me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts.

I will sing to my well-beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard: My well-beloved had a vineyard upon a fruitful hill.

saying unto me, "O Daniel, thou well beloved man: take good heed of the words, that I shall say unto thee, and stand right up, for unto thee am I now sent." And when he had said these words, I stood up trembling.

saying, "O thou man so well beloved, fear not: be content, take a good heart unto thee, and be strong." So when he had spoken unto me, I recovered, and said, "Speak on, my lord, for thou hast refreshed me."

Non-Exact Match

a fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, flowing streams from Lebanon. Beloved

O how fair art thou, my beloved, how well favored art thou? Our bed is decked with flowers,

For as soon as thou begannest to make thy prayer, it was so devised, and therefore am I come to show thee. And why? For thou art a man greatly beloved. Wherefore, ponder the matter well, that thou mayest learn to understand the vision.

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