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who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep [i.e., alive or dead], we could live together with Him.

and all kinds of wicked deception toward those people who are perishing [spiritually], because they refused to love the truth so they could be saved.

[We did this], not because we did not have a right [to support], but so we could become an example for you to imitate.

When I was on my way to Macedonia, I urged you to stay in Ephesus so that you could instruct certain people to stop teaching false doctrine

He must also have a good reputation among outsiders [i.e., non-Christians], or else he could fall into reproach [i.e., from worldly people] and [therefore] into the devil's trap.

You know that all those people in [the province of] Asia deserted me [i.e., those who could have helped me], including Phygelus and Hermogenes.

The reason I left you in Crete [Note: This was an island in the Mediterranean Sea off the southern coast of Greece] was so you could set in order the things that were lacking and appoint elders in every city [i.e., where there was a church], as I directed you.

So, although I have quite a lot of confidence in Christ and could command you to do what is proper,

I wanted to keep him with me so that he could serve me in your place during my imprisonment for the gospel. forced, but voluntary.

15Perhaps this is why he was separated from you for a while, so that you could have him back forever,

I, Paul, have written this letter with my own hand: I will repay it. I could also mention that you owe me your very self.

where your fathers put me to the proof, and for forty years felt what I could do.

and who were they, who, he sware, should not enter into his rest, but those that did not believe? so we see that they could not enter in,

For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,

He did this so that by two unchangeable things [i.e., His promise and His oath], (and it is impossible for God to lie), we, who have fled [to God] for refuge, could be greatly encouraged to take hold of the hope set before us [i.e., the hope of never ending life].

And it could be said that Levi himself, who receives tithes, paid a tithe through Abraham.

Now if perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood for on this basis the people received the Law what further need would there be to speak of appointing another kind of priest according to the order of Melchizedek, not one according to the order of Aaron?

For if he were on earth, he could not be a priest; because there are priests that offer gifts according to the law:

but only the high priest could enter the inner part, and he but once a year, and never without taking some victim's blood, to offer on his own behalf and for the sins committed through ignorance by the people.

Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience;

For if the blood of goats and bulls, and a [burnt] heifer's ashes sprinkled on people who had been [ceremonially] defiled, could purify them so as to make them [ceremonially] clean on the outside,

So even the old agreement could not be ratified without the use of blood.

If it could, would not those sacrifices have stopped being offered [by now], since the worshipers would have been [ceremonially] cleansed and would not have had a sense of guilt anymore?

While the high priest in his daily administrations frequently repeated the same sacrifices which could by no means expiate sin;

Through faith Enoch was taken from the earth so that he did not see death, and he could not be found, because God had taken him; for before he was taken we have evidence that he truly pleased God.

And if indeed they had been mindful of that from which they came, they could have had an opportunity to return.

because God had us in mind and had something better for us, so that they [these men and women of authentic faith] would not be made perfect [that is, completed in Him] apart from us.

We should fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and completer of the [or, "our"] faith. [Note: Jesus is here pictured as the one who completely fulfills the life of faith, or who provides us with the ability to live such a life]. [And] because He could look forward to joy, He endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right side of God's throne.

For you know that later on, when he wanted [to regain title to] his inheritance of the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no opportunity for repentance [there was no way to repair what he had done, no chance to recall the choice he had made], even though he sought for it with [bitter] tears.

For you have not come to what could be touched, to a blazing fire, to darkness, gloom, and storm,

and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words, which those who heard desired that the word might not be spoken to them any more,??20 for they could not bear what was commanded, And if a beast touches the mountain it shall be stoned;

(For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart:

Take care not to refuse to listen to him who is speaking. For if they could not escape because they would not listen to him who warned them here on earth, how much less can we, who reject him who is from heaven!

It was God's purpose to bring us into being [spiritually] by the message of truth, so that we could become a kind of "firstfruits" of those He created. [Note: "Firstfruits" here suggests either that Christians are the best of all of God's creatures (Num. 18:12), or that they were the first to be converted, with many more to come].

but who could ever tame the tongue? arm'd with deadly poison, the mischief scorns restraint.

as they strove to discern what that time could be, to which the Spirit of Christ within them was pointing, when foretelling the sufferings that would befall Christ, and the glories that would follow.

Indeed, this is why the gospel was proclaimed even to those who have died, so that they could be judged in their mortal flesh like all humans and live in the spiritual realm like God.

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot!

No one in heaven, on earth, or under the earth could open the scroll or look inside it.

At this I wept long, because no one could be found who was worthy to open the book or look within it.

After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind could blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree.

Then I heard the number of those who were sealed. [It was] one hundred forty-four thousand [in all] from every tribe of the Israelites [Note: This could refer to Christians of Jewish descent].

And another angel who had a golden censer came and stood at the altar, and a large amount of incense was given to him, in order that he could offer the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that [is] before the throne.

They were told not to harm the grass on the earth, any green plant, or any tree. They could harm only the people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

And his tail swept away a third of the stars from heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, in order that whenever she gave birth to her child he could devour [it].

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared there by God, so that they could feed her there [for one] thousand two hundred sixty days.

but he could not prevail, and there was no place for them in heaven any longer.

And the two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman, in order that she could fly into the wilderness, to her place where she is fed there [for] a time, and times, and half a time, from the presence of the serpent.

And from his mouth the serpent spouted water like a river after the woman, in order that he could make her swept away by a river.

And everyone who lives on earth will worship the beast, [even those] people whose names had not been recorded in the book of life belonging to the Lamb, who was killed [in prospect] from the creation of the world. [Note: This sentence could also read "...not been recorded from the creation of the world in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was killed"].

And he did all that the first beast could do in his presence, and he caused the earth, and them which dwell therein, to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

And he is given power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast will even [appear to] speak, and cause those who do not bow down and worship the image of the beast to be put to death.

And that no one could buy or sell, except he having the stamp, or the name of the wild beast, or the number of his name.

Then [I saw] a second angel following [him]. He said, "Fallen! Great Babylon has fallen. She has forced all the nations to drink the wine of her passionate sexual immorality [Note: The word "passionate" here could also mean "angry"]."

And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power: and no one could enter into the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.

and exclaimed as they watched the smoke of her burning, saying, ‘What could be compared to the great city?’

And out of his mouth came a sharp sword, so that with it he could strike the nations. And he will shepherd them with an iron rod, and he stomps the winepress of the wine of the furious wrath of God, the All-Powerful.

and threw him into the abyss, and shut [it] and sealed [it] above him, in order that he could not deceive the nations again until the thousand years are completed. After these [things] it is necessary [for] him to be released [for] a short time.

Then I saw a great white throne with a being seated on it from whose presence earth and sky fled so far that they could not be found.

And the one who spoke with me was holding a golden measuring rod in order that he could measure the city and its gates and its wall.

I testify to every person who hears the words of the prophecy of this book [Note: This is probably Jesus speaking, but could possibly be John]. If anyone adds to these words, God will add to him the calamities described in this book.