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"I will make her officials and wise men drunk, along with her governors, leaders, and warriors. They will fall asleep forever and never wake up," says the King whose name is the Lord who rules over all.

neverthelater, the fat of the beast that dieth alone and the fat of that which is torn with wild beasts, may be occupied in all manner uses: but ye shall in no wise eat of it.

And David was wise in all that he took in hand, and the LORD was with him.

And thus wise say unto my friend, "Peace be to thee, peace be to thine house, and peace be unto all that thou hast.

A wise man doth all things with discretion; but a fool will declare his folly.

This I say to your shame. Is there utterly no wise man among you? What, not one at all? That can judge between brother and brother?

has now been disclosed and made known on the basis of the prophetic scriptures (by command of the eternal God) to all the Gentiles for their obedience to the faith ??27 to the only wise God be glory through Jesus Christ for ever and ever: Amen.]

and they shall in no wise teach each one his fellow-citizen, and each one his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord'; because all shall know Me, from a small one to a great one of them;

Mind not high, but condescend to low things. Be not wise in your own conceit. Render to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

Silver beaten out shall be brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the workman, and the hands of the founder: cerulean purple and red purple their clothing: they all are the work of the wise.