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And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought.

when Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi, we are thankful to you that we are here. Let us put up three tents--one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."

And suddenly, when they had looked round about, they saw no man any more, save Jesus only with themselves.

And as they were coming down from the mountain, he charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, save when the Son of man should have risen again from the dead.

And straightway all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, and running to him saluted him.

And when he may take him, he lacerates him: and he froths, and gnashes his teeth, and pines away. And I said to thy disciples, that they should cast him out; and they were not able.

And he answering him, said, 'O generation unbelieving, till when shall I be with you? till when shall I suffer you? bring him unto me;'

And they brought him unto him: and when he saw him, straightway the spirit tare him; and he fell on the ground, and wallowed foaming.

When Jesus saw that the people came running together, he rebuked the foul spirit, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.

And when he had rored and vehemently convulsed him, he came out of him: and the child was as one dead, so that many said, that he was dead.

And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them,

And when they were in the house, His disciples asked Him about this matter again.

And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?

And he said to him, Master, all these laws I have kept from the time when I was young.

When he had looked at them, Jesus said, "With men it is impossible, but not with God, for all things are possible with God."

One day, when they were on their way, going up to Jerusalem, Jesus was walking in front of the Apostles, who were filled with misgivings; while those who were following behind were alarmed. Gathering the Twelve round him once more, Jesus began to tell them what was about to happen to him.

They answered Him, "Appoint one of us to sit at your right side and the other at your left side [when you come] in splendor."

And they came to Jericho: and when he was going out of Jericho, with his disciples and a great number of people, the son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus, a blind man, was seated by the wayside, with his hand out for money.

And said to them, Go into the little town opposite: and when you come to it, you will see a young ass with a cord round his neck, on which no man has ever been seated; let him loose, and come back with him.

when some of the bystanders called out, "What are you doing, untying the foal?"

Then they brought the foal to Jesus, and, when they had laid their cloaks on it, he seated himself upon it.

And Jesus entered into Jerusalem, and into the temple: and when he had looked round about upon all things, and now the eventide was come, he went out unto Bethany with the twelve.

And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.

When they came to Jerusalem, he went into the Temple and began to throw out those who were selling and those who were buying in the Temple. He overturned the moneychangers' tables and the chairs of those who sold doves.

When the high priests and elders heard this, they began to look for a way to kill him, because they were afraid of him, since the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching.

In the morning, as they were passing by, the disciples saw that the fig tree had withered away from the roots up.

They came again to Jerusalem. And as Jesus was walking in the [courts and porches of the] temple, the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders came to Him,

When the harvest season came he sent a servant to the tenants, in order to collect from them some of the fruit of the vineyard.

What do you think the owner of the vineyard will do [when he gets back]?" Jesus asked. [Then He continued], "He will come and kill those tenant farmers and give the vineyard to other people.

And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

And, when they had brought it, he asked: "Whose head and title are these?" "The Emperor's," they said;

There were seven brothers, and the first took a wife. And [when he] died, he did not leave descendants.

All seven left no children [behind when they died]. Finally, the woman also passed away.

And one of the scribes came up [and] heard them debating. [When he] saw that he answered them well, he asked him, "Which commandment is the most important of all?"

And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question.

And Jesus, when he was teaching in the Temple, said, How do the scribes say that the Christ is the Son of David?

At length, as Jesus was sitting over-against the treasury, he observed the peoples throwing money into the chest; when many of the rich gave large sums.

And when he was going out of the Temple, one of his disciples said to him, Master, see, what stones and what buildings!

He was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite to the Temple, when Peter, James, John, and Andrew, apart from the others asked Him,

Nation will go to war with nation, and kingdom with kingdom: there will be earth-shocks in different places; there will be times when there is no food; these things are the first of the troubles.

But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

Also the person who is on a housetop [Note: This was a flat area where people retired for rest, prayer, etc., with its stairway on the outside] should not go down into his house to take anything out [when he flees].

For in those days there will be sorrow, such as there has not been from the time when God made the world till now, and will not ever be again.

It is as when a man, sojourning in another country, having left his house, and given authority to his servants, to each one his work, commanded also the porter to watch.

And when he was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he lay at table, there came a woman having an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly; and having broken the alabaster flask, she poured it out upon his head.

And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?

When he goes into a house, say to its owner that the Teacher asks, "Where is my room where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples?'

And when they had taken their places and were eating, Jesus said: "I tell you that one of you is going to betray me--one who is eating with me."

And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them: and they all drank of it.

When he went back, he found his disciples asleep. "Simon, are you asleep?" he asked Peter. "You couldn't stay awake for one hour, could you?

And when he returned, he found them asleep again, (for their eyes were heavy,) neither wist they what to answer him.

When he came back for the third time, he said to them, "Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? Enough of this! The time has come. See! the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of wicked men.

A certain young man, who was wearing nothing but a linen sheet, was following Jesus. When the men grabbed him,

Now when Peter was in the courtyard downstairs [i.e., from where the Sanhedrin was having its meeting. See verse 55], one of the head priest's servant girls came in,

And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him, and said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth.

but he denied it, saying, I don't know him, neither am I acquainted with any such you mention. and he went out into the porch, when the cock crow'd.

And the female slave, [when she] saw him, began to say again to the bystanders, "This man is one of them!"

And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept.

Early in the morning the chief priests, with the elders and scribes and the whole Council (Sanhedrin, Jewish High Court), immediately consulted together; and they bound Jesus, they took Him away [violently] and handed Him over to Pilate.

When the chief priests continued making many accusations against him, Pilate repeatedly questioned him.

So, when the crowd went up and began to ask Pilate to follow his usual custom,

and when Pilate again asked them, "What then shall I do to the man you call King of the Jews?"

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