Book Summary

This book portrays Christ as our great high priest who ever lives to make intercession for us. It shows us His heavenly ministry at God’s right hand, resting from the completed work. The book reveals to us that Christ is the substance of all the old testament shadows. He is greater than Moses, Aaron, the angels , the tabernacle, the sacrifices. In times past God has spoken by the prophets but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son – Jesus is everything that God wanted to say to us. The old covenant said stay away but the new covenant says draw near and we can draw ever nearer by the blood of Jesus. Hebrews emphasizes the completeness and fullness of His sacrifice, that we cannot add to it but just embrace it and enter the rest which is the finished work of Christ.

To go away from the completed work of Christ is to step into nothingness because outside Christ there is nothing but death. We cannot add anything to what He has done but receive His work, His righteousness, His life. In Christ is life but outside Christ is nothing but a fearful expectation of coming judgment.

Hebrews is read by faith because without faith you cannot see God and rest in His finished work. Chapter 11 reveals to us that it was only the faith of the old testament saints were recognized because it is only by faith that we relate to God. He is the author of our faith and as disciples of Christ we now follow Him to the finish.

HebrewsChapter Themes

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