28 Bible Verses about Abraham, Calling And Life

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Genesis 11:31

Then took Terah: Abram his son, and Lot his son Haran's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law his son Abram's wife. And they went with him from Ur in Chaldea, to go into the land of Canaan. And they came to Haran and dwelled there.

Genesis 7:2

Of all clean beasts take unto thee seven of every kind, the male and his female, and of unclean beasts a pair, the male and his female:

Hebrews 11:8

By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed to go out into a place which he should afterward receive to inheritance, and he went out, not knowing whither he should go.

Genesis 12:4

And Abram went as the LORD bade him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy five years old, when he went out of Haran.

Genesis 12:8

Then departed he thence unto a mountain that lieth on the east side of Bethel and pitched his tent - Bethel being on the west side, and Ai on the east - and he built there an altar unto the LORD, and called on the name of the LORD.

Genesis 12:10

After this there came a dearth in the land. And Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there, for the dearth was sore in the land.

Genesis 13:1

Then Abram departed out of Egypt; both he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him unto the south.

Genesis 13:6

so that the land was not able to receive them that they might dwell together. For the substance of their riches was so great, that they could not dwell together.

Joshua 24:2-3

And Joshua said unto all the people, "Thus sayeth the LORD God of Israel, 'Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the water in old time even Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, and served strange gods. But I took your father Abraham from the other side of the water, and brought him into the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

Acts 7:2-4

And he said, "Ye men, brethren, and fathers, hearken to. The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham while he was yet in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, and said unto him, 'Come out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall show unto thee.' Then came he out of the land of Chaldea and dwelt in Haran. And after that, as soon as his father was dead, he brought him into this land, in which ye now dwell,

Hebrews 11:8-9

By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed to go out into a place which he should afterward receive to inheritance, and he went out, not knowing whither he should go. By faith he removed into the land that was promised him, as into a strange country, and dwelt in tabernacles: and so did Isaac, and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise.

Hebrews 11:9

By faith he removed into the land that was promised him, as into a strange country, and dwelt in tabernacles: and so did Isaac, and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise.

Genesis 12:6-10

Abram went forth into the land till he came unto a place called Shechem, and unto the oak of Moreh. And the Cananites dwelled then in the land. Then the LORD appeared unto Abram and said, "Unto thy seed will I give this land." And he built an altar there unto the LORD which appeared to him. Then departed he thence unto a mountain that lieth on the east side of Bethel and pitched his tent - Bethel being on the west side, and Ai on the east - and he built there an altar unto the LORD, and called on the name of the LORD.read more.
And then Abram departed and took his journey southward. After this there came a dearth in the land. And Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there, for the dearth was sore in the land.

Genesis 13:1-4

Then Abram departed out of Egypt; both he, and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him unto the south. Abram was very rich in cattle, silver and gold. And he went on his journey from the south even unto Bethel, and unto the place where his tent was at the first time between Bethel and Ai,read more.
and unto the place of the altar which he made before. And there called Abram upon the name, of the LORD.

Genesis 17:5

Therefore shalt thou no more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham: for a father of many nations have I made thee,

Genesis 17:15

And God said unto Abraham, "Sarai, thy wife, shall no more be called Sarai: but Sara shall her name be.

Genesis 23:3-4

And Abraham stood up from the corpse, and talked with the sons of Heth saying, "I am a stranger and a foreigner among you; give me a possession to bury in with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight."

Genesis 23:17-20

Thus was the field of Ephron wherein the double cave is before Mamre - even the field and the cave that is therein, and all the trees of the field which grow in all the borders round about - made sure unto Abraham for a possession, in the sight of the children of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of the city. And then Abraham buried Sara his wife in the double cave of the field that lieth before Mamre, otherwise called Hebron in the land of Canaan.read more.
And so both the field and the cave that is therein, was made unto Abraham a sure possession to bury in, of the sons of Heth.

Genesis 49:29-32

And he charged them, and said unto them, "I shall be put unto my people: see that ye bury me with my fathers, in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite, in the double cave that is in the field before Mamre in the land of Canaan. Which field Abraham bought of Ephron the Hittite for a possession to bury in. There they buried Abraham and Sara his wife, there they buried Isaac and Rebecca his wife. And there I buried Lea:read more.
which field and the cave that is therein, was bought of the children of Heth."

Genesis 12:4-5

And Abram went as the LORD bade him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy five years old, when he went out of Haran. And Abram took Sarai, his wife, and Lot, his brother's son, with all their goods which they had gotten, and souls which they had begotten in Haran. And they departed to go into the land of Canaan. And when they were come into the land of Canaan,

Genesis 13:5-12

Lot also, which went with him, had sheep, cattle and tents: so that the land was not able to receive them that they might dwell together. For the substance of their riches was so great, that they could not dwell together. And there fell a strife between the herdsmen of Abram's cattle, and the herdsmen of Lot's cattle. Moreover, the Canaanites and the Perizzites dwelled at that time in the land.read more.
Then said Abram unto Lot, "Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between thee and me, and between my herdsmen and thine, for we be brethren. Is not all the whole land before thee? Depart, I pray thee, from me. If thou wilt take the lefthand, I will take the right: or if thou take the righthand I will take the left." Then Lot lift up his eyes, and beheld all the country about Jordan: that it was a plenteous country of water. For, before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, it was round about Zoar, even as the pleasant garden of the LORD, and as the land of Egypt. Then Lot chose all the coasts of Jordan and took his journey from the east. And so departed the one brother from the other. Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan: And Lot in the cities of the plain, and tented till he came to Sodom.

Genesis 14:8-16

Then went out the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela, now called Zoar. And set their men in array to fight with them in the vale of Siddim, that is to say, with Chedorlaomer the king of Elam and with Tidal king of the nations, and with Amraphel king of Shinar, and with Arioch king of Ellasar: four kings against five. And that vale of Siddim was full of slime pits. And the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, and fell there. And the residue fled to the mountains.read more.
And they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their victuals, and went their way. And they took Lot also; Abram's brother's son, and his goods, for he dwelled at Sodom; and departed. Then came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; which dwelt in the oak grove of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and Aner, which were confederate with Abram. When Abram heard that his brother was taken, he harnessed his servants born in his own house, three hundred and eighteen, and followed till they came at Dan. And set himself and his servants in array, and fell upon them by night, and smote them, and chased them away unto Hobah, which lieth on the lefthand of Damascus, and brought again all the goods and also his brother Lot, and his goods; the women also and the people.

Genesis 18:20-33

And the LORD said, "The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is exceeding grievous. I will go down and see whether they have done altogether according to that cry which is come unto me or not, that I may know." And the men departed thence and went to Sodomward. But Abraham stood yet before the LORD,read more.
and drew near and said, "Wilt thou destroy the righteous with the wicked? If there be fifty righteous within the city, wilt thou destroy it and not spare the place for the sake of fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from thee, that thou shouldest do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, and that the righteous should be as the wicked: that be far from thee. Should not the Judge of all the world do according to right?" And the LORD said, "If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, I will spare all the place for their sakes." And Abraham answered and said, "Behold, I have taken upon me to speak unto the LORD, and yet am but dust and ashes. What though there lack five of fifty righteous, wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five?" And he said, "If I find there forty and five I will not destroy them." And he spake unto him yet again, and said, "What if there be forty found there?" And he said, "I will not do it for forty's sake." And he said, "O let not my LORD be angry, that I speak. What if there be found thirty there?" And he said, "I will not do it, if I find thirty there." And he said, "Oh, see, I have begun to speak unto my LORD, what if there be twenty found there?" And he said, "I will not destroy them for twenty's sake." And he said, "O let not my LORD be angry, that I speak yet, but even once more only. What if ten be found there?" And he said, "I will not destroy them for ten's sake." And the LORD went his way as soon as he had left communing with Abraham. And Abraham returned unto his place.

Genesis 19:29

But yet when God destroyed the cities of the region, he thought upon Abraham: and sent Lot out from the danger of the overthrowing, when he overthrew the cities where Lot dwelled.

Genesis 14:18-20

Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine. And he being the priest of the most highest God, blessed him, saying, "Blessed be Abram unto the most highest God, possessor of heaven and earth. And blessed be God the most highest, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hands." And Abram gave him tithes of all.

Hebrews 7:1-10

This Melchizedek, king of Salem - which being priest of the most high God, met Abraham, as he returned again from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him: to whom also Abraham gave tithes of all things - first is, by interpretation, king of righteousness, after that he is king of Salem, that is to say king of peace, without father, without mother, without kin, and hath neither beginning of his time, neither yet end of his life: but is likened unto the son of God, and continueth a priest forever.read more.
Consider what a man this was, unto whom the patriarch Abraham gave tithes of the spoils. And verily those children of Levi, which receive the office of the priests, have a commandment to take according to the law, tithes of the people, that is to say, of their brethren, yea though they sprung out of the loins of Abraham. But he whose kindred is not counted among them, received tithes of Abraham, and blessed him that had the promises. And no man denieth but that which is less, receiveth blessing of him which is greater. And here men that die receive tithes. But there he receiveth tithes of whom it is witnessed, that he liveth. And to say the truth, Levi himself also which receiveth tithes, paid tithes in Abraham. For he was yet in the loins of his father Abraham, when Melchizedek met him.

Genesis 18:1-22

And the LORD appeared unto him in the oak grove of Mamre as he sat in his tent door in the heat of the day. And he lift up his eyes and looked: and lo, three men stood not far from him. And when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and fell to the ground and said, "Lord, if I have found favour in thy sight, go not by thy servant.read more.
Let a little water be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree: And I will fetch a morsel of bread, to comfort your hearts withal. And then go your ways, for even therefore are ye come to your servant." And they answered, "Do even so as thou hast said." And Abraham went a pace into his tent unto Sara, and said, Make ready at once three pecks of fine meal; knead it, and make cakes." And Abraham ran unto his beasts and fetched a calf that was tender and good, and gave it unto a young man, which made it ready at once. And he took butter and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it before them, and stood himself by them under the tree: and they ate. And they said unto him, "Where is Sara, thy wife?" And he said, "In the tent." And he said, "I will come again unto thee as soon as the fruit can live. And lo, Sara thy wife shall have a son." That heard Sara, out of the tent door which was behind his back. Abraham and Sara were both old and well stricken in age, and it ceased to be with Sara after the manner as it is with wives. And Sara laughed in herself saying, "Now I am waxed old, shall I give myself to lust, and my lord old also?" Then said the LORD unto Abraham, "Wherefore doth Sara laugh saying, 'shall I of a surety bear a child, now when I am old?' Is the thing too hard for the LORD to do? In the time appointed will I return unto thee, as soon as the fruit can have life. And Sara shall have a son." Then Sara denied it, saying, "I laughed not." For she was afraid. But he said, "Yes, thou laughtest." Then the men stood up from thence and looked toward Sodom. And Abraham went with them to bring them on the way. And the LORD said, "Can I hide from Abraham that thing which I am about to do, seeing that Abraham shall be a great and a mighty people, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him that he will command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do after right and conscience, that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that he hath promised him." And the LORD said, "The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is exceeding grievous. I will go down and see whether they have done altogether according to that cry which is come unto me or not, that I may know." And the men departed thence and went to Sodomward. But Abraham stood yet before the LORD,

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