6 Bible Verses about Adam's Relationship With Eve

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Matthew 19:3-6

And there came unto him Pharisees, testing him, and saying, - Whether is it allowed a man to divorce his wife, for every cause? And, he, answering, said - Did ye never read - He who created at the beginning, Male and female, made them, - and said - For this cause, will a man leave his father and his mother, and be united to his wife, - and, the two, will become, one flesh;read more.
So that, the longer, are they, two, but, one flesh, What, therefore, God, hath yoked together, Let not, a man, put asunder.

Mark 10:2-9

And Pharisees coming near were questioning him - whether it is allowed a husband to divorce a wife, testing him. But, he, answering, said unto them - What unto you did, Moses, command? And, they, said - Moses permitted, to write, a roll of dismissal, and to divorce.read more.
But, Jesus, said unto them - In view of your hardness of heart, wrote he for you this commandment; But, from the beginning of creation, male and female, made he them; For this cause, shall a man leave behind his father and mother, and, the two, shall become, one flesh; so that, no longer, are they two, but, one flesh. What then, God, hath yoked together, let, a man, not put asunder.

1 Corinthians 6:16

Or know ye not that, he that joineth himself unto the harlot, is, one body? For, saith he, the two, shall become, one flesh;

1 Timothy 2:12-15

But, teaching - unto a woman, I do not permit, nor yet to have authority over a man, - but to be in quietness; For, Adam, first was formed, then Eve, And, Adam, was not deceived, whereas, the woman, having been wholly deceived, hath come to be, in transgression;read more.
She shall be saved, however, through means of the child-bearing, - if they abide in faith, and love, and holiness, with sobermindedness. Faithful, the saying.

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