9 Bible Verses about Consciences, In Decision Making

Most Relevant Verses

Romans 14:6

He that regards the day regards it to the Lord; and he that eats eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he that eats not, to the Lord he eats not, and gives thanks to God.

Romans 14:5

One man, indeed, esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each one be fully convinced in his own mind.

1 Corinthians 10:25-26

Whatsoever is sold in the market eat, asking no question because of conscience; for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24

All things are lawful, but not all things are profitable; all things are lawful, but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own, but each another's good.

Romans 14:14

I know, and have been persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean of itself: except that to him who accounts anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

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