4 Bible Verses about Conversion Of Israel

Most Relevant Verses

Romans 9:32

And why? Because they looked to obedience, and not to faith, to secure it. They stumbled over 'the Stumbling-block.'

Romans 11:11

I ask then--'Was their stumbling to result in their fall?' Heaven forbid! On the contrary, through their falling away Salvation has reached the Gentiles, to stir the rivalry of Israel.

Matthew 23:37-39

Jerusalem! Jerusalem! She who slays the Prophets and stones the messengers sent to her--Oh, how often have I wished to gather your children round me, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not came! Verily, your house is left to you desolate! For nevermore, I tell you, shall you see me, until you say-- 'Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!'"

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