5 Bible Verses about Gabriel The Angel

Most Relevant Verses

Daniel 8:15-26

Now when I, Daniel, had seen this vision, and sought for the understanding of it: behold, there stood before me a thing like unto a man. And I heard a man's voice in the river of Ulai, which cried, and said, "O Gabriel, make this man understand the vision." So he came, and stood by me. But I was afraid at his coming, and fell down upon my face. Then said he unto me, "O thou son of man, mark well, for in the last time shall this vision be fulfilled."read more.
Now as he was speaking unto me, I waxed faint, so that I sunk down to the ground. But he took hold upon me, and set me up again, saying, "Behold, I will show thee what shall happen in the last wrath: for in the time appointed it shall be fulfilled. The ram which thou sawest with the two horns, is the king of the Medes and Persians: but the goat is the king of Greek land: the great horn that stood betwixt his eyes, that is the principal king. But whereas it brake, and four others rose up in the stead: it signifieth that out of this people shall stand up four kingdoms, but not so mighty as it. After these kingdoms, while ungodliness is a growing, there shall arise a king of an unshamefast face, which shall be wise in dark speakings. He shall be mighty and strong, but not in his own strength. He shall destroy above measure, and all that he goeth about, shall prosper: he shall slay the strong and holy people. And through his craftiness, falsity shall prosper in his hand; his heart shall be proud, and many a one shall he put to death in his wealthiness. He shall stand up against the Prince of Princes, but he shall be destroyed without hand. And this vision that is showed unto thee, is as sure as the evening and the morning. Therefore write thou upon this sight, for it will be long before it come to pass."

Daniel 9:20-27

As I was yet speaking at my prayers, knowledging mine own sins, and the sins of my people, making so mine intercession before the LORD my God, for the holy hill's sake of my God: Yea, while I was yet speaking in my prayer, behold, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen afore in the vision, came flying to me, and touched me about the offering time in the evening. He informed me, and spake unto me, "O Daniel," said he, "I am now come, to make thee understand it:read more.
For as soon as thou begannest to make thy prayer, it was so devised, and therefore am I come to show thee. And why? For thou art a man greatly beloved. Wherefore, ponder the matter well, that thou mayest learn to understand the vision. Seventy weeks are determined over thy people, and over the holy city: that the wickedness may be consumed, that the sin may have an end, that the offense may be reconciled, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, to fulfill the visions and the Prophets, and to anoint the most holy one. Understand this then, and mark it well: That from the time it shall be concluded to go and repair Jerusalem again, unto Christ, the anointed Prince: there shall be seven weeks.Then shall the streets and walls be builded again sixty two weeks, but with hard troublous time. After these sixty two weeks, shall Christ be slain, and they shall have no pleasure in him. Then shall there come a people with the prince, and destroy the city and the Sanctuary: and his end shall come as the water flood. But the desolation shall continue till the end of the battle. He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of the abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation determined shall be poured upon the desolate."

Daniel 10:20-21

Then said he, "Knowest thou wherefore I am come unto thee? Now will I go again to fight with the prince of the Persians: As soon as I go forth, lo, the prince of Greekland shall come. Nevertheless, I will show thee the thing that is fast noted in the scripture of truth. And as for all yonder matters, there is none that helpeth me in them, but Michael your prince.

Luke 1:26

And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,

Luke 1:8

And it came to pass, as he executed the priest's office before God as his course came,

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