138 Bible Verses about God, All knowing

Most Relevant Verses

1 Corinthians 2:10-11

But to us, God revealed them through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For who among men knows the things of a man, except the spirit of the man, which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of God, except God's Spirit.

Isaiah 40:13-14

Who has directed the Spirit of Yahweh, or has taught him as his counselor? Who did he take counsel with, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of justice, and taught him knowledge, and showed him the way of understanding?

Job 21:22

"Shall any teach God knowledge, since he judges those who are high?

Romans 11:33-34

Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! "For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?"

Matthew 10:30

but the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

Luke 12:7

But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don't be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.

Job 37:15-16

Do you know how God controls them, and causes the lightning of his cloud to shine? Do you know the workings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge?

2 Corinthians 12:2-4

I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I don't know, or whether out of the body, I don't know; God knows), such a one caught up into the third heaven. I know such a man (whether in the body, or outside of the body, I don't know; God knows), how he was caught up into Paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

Job 24:23

God gives them security, and they rest in it. His eyes are on their ways.

Psalm 33:13-15

Yahweh looks from heaven. He sees all the sons of men. From the place of his habitation he looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, he who fashions all of their hearts; and he considers all of their works.

Psalm 139:2-3

You know my sitting down and my rising up. You perceive my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.

Matthew 6:31-32

"Therefore don't be anxious, saying, 'What will we eat?', 'What will we drink?' or, 'With what will we be clothed?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

Luke 12:29-30

Don't seek what you will eat or what you will drink; neither be anxious. For the nations of the world seek after all of these things, but your Father knows that you need these things.

Psalm 44:20-21

If we have forgotten the name of our God, or spread forth our hands to a strange god; won't God search this out? For he knows the secrets of the heart.

Psalm 139:1-2

Yahweh, you have searched me, and you know me. You know my sitting down and my rising up. You perceive my thoughts from afar.

Ezekiel 11:5

The Spirit of Yahweh fell on me, and he said to me, Speak, Thus says Yahweh: Thus you have said, house of Israel; for I know the things that come into your mind.

Hebrews 4:12-13

For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart. There is no creature that is hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and laid open before the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Hosea 7:2

They don't consider in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness. Now their own deeds have engulfed them. They are before my face.

Isaiah 42:9

Behold, the former things have happened, and I declare new things. I tell you about them before they come up."

Isaiah 44:7

Who is like me? Who will call, and will declare it, and set it in order for me, since I established the ancient people? Let them declare the things that are coming, and that will happen.

Daniel 2:28

but there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and he has made known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Your dream, and the visions of your head on your bed, are these:

Acts 4:27-28

"For truly, in this city against your holy servant, Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together to do whatever your hand and your council foreordained to happen.

Romans 11:2

God didn't reject his people, which he foreknew. Or don't you know what the Scripture says about Elijah? How he pleads with God against Israel:

Exodus 3:19

I know that the king of Egypt won't give you permission to go, no, not by a mighty hand.

Deuteronomy 31:21

It shall happen, when many evils and troubles are come on them, that this song shall testify before them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they frame this day, before I have brought them into the land which I swore."

1 Samuel 2:3

"Talk no more so exceeding proudly. Don't let arrogance come out of your mouth, For Yahweh is a God of knowledge. By him actions are weighed.

Job 34:22-23

There is no darkness, nor thick gloom, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves. For he doesn't need to consider a man further, that he should go before God in judgment.

Numbers 16:5

and he spoke to Korah and to all his company, saying, "In the morning Yahweh will show who are his, and who is holy, and will cause him to come near to him: even him whom he shall choose he will cause to come near to him.

Exodus 33:12

Moses said to Yahweh, "Behold, you tell me, 'Bring up this people:' and you haven't let me know whom you will send with me. Yet you have said, 'I know you by name, and you have also found favor in my sight.'

Galatians 4:9

But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, why do you turn back again to the weak and miserable elemental principles, to which you desire to be in bondage all over again?

1 John 3:19-20

And by this we know that we are of the truth, and persuade our hearts before him, because if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

Psalm 11:4

Yahweh is in his holy temple. Yahweh is on his throne in heaven. His eyes observe. His eyes examine the children of men.

Jeremiah 11:20

But, Yahweh of Armies, who judges righteously, who tests the heart and the mind, I shall see your vengeance on them; for to you have I revealed my cause.

Jeremiah 20:12

But, Yahweh of Armies, who tests the righteous, who sees the heart and the mind, let me see your vengeance on them; for to you have I revealed my cause.

Proverbs 24:12

If you say, "Behold, we didn't know this;" doesn't he who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, doesn't he know it? Shall he not render to every man according to his work?

Romans 8:27

He who searches the hearts knows what is on the Spirit's mind, because he makes intercession for the saints according to God.

Genesis 16:13

She called the name of Yahweh who spoke to her, "You are a God who sees," for she said, "Have I even stayed alive after seeing him?"

Exodus 3:7

Yahweh said, "I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrows.

Numbers 14:27

"How long [shall I bear] with this evil congregation, that murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me.

Deuteronomy 2:7

For Yahweh your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand; he has known your walking through this great wilderness: these forty years Yahweh your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.

2 Samuel 7:20

What more can David say to you? For you know your servant, Lord Yahweh.

1 Kings 8:39

then hear in heaven, your dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and render to every man according to all his ways, whose heart you know; (for you, even you only, know the hearts of all the children of men;)

2 Kings 19:27

But I know your sitting down, and your going out, and your coming in, and your raging against me.

1 Chronicles 29:17

I know also, my God, that you try the heart, and have pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things. Now have I seen with joy your people, that are present here, offer willingly to you.

2 Chronicles 16:9

For the eyes of Yahweh run back and forth throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein you have done foolishly; for from henceforth you shall have wars."

Nehemiah 9:10

and showed signs and wonders against Pharaoh, and against all his servants, and against all the people of his land; for you knew that they dealt proudly against them, and made a name for yourself, as it is this day.

Job 11:11

For he knows false men. He sees iniquity also, even though he doesn't consider it.

Job 12:22

He uncovers deep things out of darkness, and brings out to light the shadow of death.

Job 22:13-14

You say, 'What does God know? Can he judge through the thick darkness? Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he doesn't see. He walks on the vault of the sky.'

Job 24:1

"Why aren't times laid up by the Almighty? Why don't those who know him see his days?

Job 26:6

Sheol is naked before God, and Abaddon has no covering.

Job 28:10

He cuts out channels among the rocks. His eye sees every precious thing.

Job 28:24

For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole sky.

Job 34:21-22

"For his eyes are on the ways of a man. He sees all his goings. There is no darkness, nor thick gloom, where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.

Job 34:25

Therefore he takes knowledge of their works. He overturns them in the night, so that they are destroyed.

Job 36:4

For truly my words are not false. One who is perfect in knowledge is with you.

Job 37:16

Do you know the workings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him who is perfect in knowledge?

Psalm 10:11

He says in his heart, "God has forgotten. He hides his face. He will never see it."

Psalm 37:18

Yahweh knows the days of the perfect. Their inheritance shall be forever.

Psalm 69:19

You know my reproach, my shame, and my dishonor. My adversaries are all before you.

Psalm 73:11

They say, "How does God know? Is there knowledge in the Most High?"

Psalm 94:9-11

He who implanted the ear, won't he hear? He who formed the eye, won't he see? He who disciplines the nations, won't he punish? He who teaches man knows. Yahweh knows the thoughts of man, that they are futile.

Psalm 119:168

I have obeyed your precepts and your testimonies, for all my ways are before you. TAV

Psalm 121:3-4

He will not allow your foot to be moved. He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

Psalm 136:5

To him who by understanding made the heavens; for his loving kindness endures forever:

Psalm 139:1-4

Yahweh, you have searched me, and you know me. You know my sitting down and my rising up. You perceive my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.read more.
For there is not a word on my tongue, but, behold, Yahweh, you know it altogether.

Psalm 139:6

This knowledge is beyond me. It's lofty. I can't attain it.

Psalm 139:12

even the darkness doesn't hide from you, but the night shines as the day. The darkness is like light to you.

Psalm 139:14-16

I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. My soul knows that very well. My frame wasn't hidden from you, when I was made in secret, woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my body. In your book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there were none of them.

Psalm 142:3

When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, you knew my path. In the way in which I walk, they have hidden a snare for me.

Psalm 147:4-5

He counts the number of the stars. He calls them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and mighty in power. His understanding is infinite.

Proverbs 3:19-20

By wisdom Yahweh founded the earth. By understanding, he established the heavens. By his knowledge, the depths were broken up, and the skies drop down the dew.

Proverbs 5:21

For the ways of man are before the eyes of Yahweh. He examines all his paths.

Proverbs 15:11

Sheol and Abaddon are before Yahweh -- how much more then the hearts of the children of men!

Isaiah 28:29

This also comes forth from Yahweh of Armies, who is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in wisdom.

Isaiah 29:15-16

Woe to those who deeply hide their counsel from Yahweh, and whose works are in the dark, and who say, "Who sees us?" and "Who knows us?" You turn things upside down! Should the potter be thought to be like clay; that the thing made should say about him who made it, "He didn't make me;" or the thing formed say of him who formed it, "He has no understanding?"

Isaiah 37:28

But I know your sitting down, your going out, your coming in, and your raging against me.

Isaiah 40:27-28

Why do you say, Jacob, and speak, Israel, "My way is hidden from Yahweh, and the justice due me is disregarded by my God?" Haven't you known? Haven't you heard? The everlasting God, Yahweh, The Creator of the ends of the earth, doesn't faint. He isn't weary. His understanding is unsearchable.

Isaiah 41:4

Who has worked and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I, Yahweh, the first, and with the last, I am he."

Isaiah 45:4

For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel my chosen, I have called you by your name. I have surnamed you, though you have not known me.

Isaiah 48:5-6

therefore I have declared it to you from of old; before it came to pass I showed it to you; lest you should say, 'My idol has done them, and my engraved image, and my molten image, has commanded them.' You have heard it; see all this; and you, will you not declare it? "I have shown you new things from this time, even hidden things, which you have not known.

Isaiah 66:18

"For I [know] their works and their thoughts: [the time] comes, that I will gather all nations and languages; and they shall come, and shall see my glory.

Jeremiah 5:3

O Yahweh, don't your eyes look on truth? You have stricken them, but they were not grieved. You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than a rock. They have refused to return.

Jeremiah 10:7

Who should not fear you, King of the nations? For it appertains to you; because among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their royal estate, there is none like you.

Jeremiah 32:19

great in counsel, and mighty in work; whose eyes are open on all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings:

Jeremiah 51:15

He has made the earth by his power, he has established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding has he stretched out the heavens:

Ezekiel 9:9

Then he said to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perversion: for they say, Yahweh has forsaken the land, and Yahweh doesn't see.

Daniel 2:20

Daniel answered, Blessed be the name of God forever and ever; for wisdom and might are his.

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