81 Bible Verses about Gospel, Confirmation Of

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Matthew 26:54-56

How then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that, thus, it must needs come to pass? In that hour, said Jesus unto the multitudes: As against a robber, came ye forth, with swords and clubs, to arrest me? Daily in the temple, used I to sit teaching, and ye secured me not; But, this, hath, wholly, come to pass, that, the Scriptures of the prophets, may be fulfilled. Then, the disciples, all forsaking him, fled.

Matthew 26:24

The Son of Man, indeed, goeth his way, according as it is written concerning him, - But alas! for that man, through whom the Son of Man, is being delivered up: Well, had it been for him, if, that man, had not been born!

Luke 4:21

and he began to be saying to them - This day, is fulfilled this scripture, in your ears.

Luke 24:25-27

And, he, said unto them - O thoughtless ones! and slow in heart to rest your faith upon all things which the prophets have spoken: - Was it not needful for the Christ, these very things, to suffer, and to enter into his glory? And, beginning from Moses, and from all the prophets, he thoroughly explained to them, in all the Scriptures, the things concerning himself.

John 13:18

Not, concerning you all, am I speaking, - for, I, know of whom I made choice; but -- that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled: He that feedeth on my bread, hath lifted up against me, his heel.

Romans 3:21

But now, apart from law, a righteousness of God hath been manifested, borne witness to by the law and the prophets, -

Luke 1:68-70

Blessed, be the Lord, the God of Israel! Because he hath visited and wrought redemption for his people, And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us, In the house of David his servant: According as he hath spoken by mouth of his holy ancient prophets, -

Acts 26:22

So then, having met with, the help that is from God, until this day, do I stand, witnessing to both small and great, nothing else saying, than those things which both the prophets, and Moses, did say should certainly come to pass: -

Romans 1:2

Which he promised beforehand, through his prophets, in holy scriptures -

1 Corinthians 15:3-5

For I delivered unto you, among the first things, what also I received: - how that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, And that he was buried, and that he hath been raised, on the third day, according to the Scriptures, - And that he appeared unto Cephas, then, to the twelve,

1 Peter 1:10-12

Concerning which salvation, prophets - who concerning the favour for you, did prophesy - sought out and searched out, Searching into what particular, or what manner, of season the Spirit of Christ which was in them was pointing to, when witnessing beforehand as to - The sufferings, for Christ, and the glories, after these, - Unto whom it was revealed - that, Not unto themselves, but unto us, they were ministering them, which things have, now, been announced unto you through them who have told you the good tidings with Holy Spirit sent forth from heaven: into which things messengers are coveting to obtain a nearer view.

Matthew 1:22-23

But, all this, hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord, through the prophet, saying: Lo! a Virgin, shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, - and they shall call his name Emmanuel; which is, being translated, God with us.

Matthew 2:5-6

And, they, said to him, In Bethlehem of Judaea, - for, so, is it written through the prophet: And, thou, Bethlehem, land of Judah, by no means least, art thou, among the governors of Judah, - For, out of thee, shall one come forth to govern, Who shall shepherd my people Israel.

Micah 5:2

Thou, therefore, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though, little, to be among the thousands of Judah, out of thee, shall Mine come forth, to be ruler in Israel, - whose comings forth, have been from of old, from the days of age-past time.

Matthew 2:15

and was there, until the death of Herod, - that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt, called I my son.

Matthew 2:17-18

Then was fulfilled, that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying: A voice, in Ramah, was heard, weeping and great mourning, - Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, - because they are not.

Matthew 2:23

and came and fixed his dwelling in a city called Nazareth, - that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets - A Nazarene, shall he be called.

Matthew 4:14-16

that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying: Land of Zebulun, and land of Naphtali, the lake-way across the Jordan, - Galilee of the nations, The people that was sitting in darkness, a great light, beheld, - and, on them who were sitting in land and shade of death, Light rose on them.

Isaiah 9:1-2

For there is no gloom to her who had been in anguish, In the former time, he brought into dishonour The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, In the latter time, hath he brought into honour The Lake-way over the Jordan, Galilee of the nations. the people who were walking in darkness, Have seen a great light, - The dwellers in a land death-shadowed, A light, hath shined upon them.

Isaiah 53:4

Yet surely, our sicknesses, he, carried, And, as for our pains, he bare the burden of them, - But, we, accounted him stricken. Smitten of God and humbled,

Matthew 12:17-21

that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying: - Lo! my servant, whom I have chosen, My beloved, in whom, my soul, delighteth, - I will put my Spirit upon him, and, justice, unto the nations, will he report: He will not strive, nor will he cry out, nor shall any hear, in the broadways, his voice:read more.
A bruised cane, will he not break, and, a smoking wick, will he not quench, - until he urge on, justice, to victory, And, in his name, shall nations hope.

Isaiah 42:1-4

Lo! my Servant, I will uphold him, My chosen, well-pleased is my soul, - I have put my spirit upon him, Justice - to the nations, will he bring forth: He will not cry out nor will he speak loud, - Nor cause to be heard, in the street, his voice: Cane that is crushed, will he not break, And wick that is fading, will he not quench, - Faithfully, will he bring forth justice:read more.
He will not fade, nor will he be crushed, Until he establish, in the earth, justice, And for his instruction, Coastlands, wait.

Matthew 21:4-5

But, this, hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through the prophet, saying: Tell ye the daughter of Zion, Lo! thy King, is coming unto thee, meek and mounted upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of a toiling ass.

Matthew 27:9-10

Then, was fulfilled, that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying: And they took the thirty pieces of silver, as the value of him whom they had valued, whom they had valued, of Israel's sons, - And gave them for the field of the potter, as, the Lord, directed me.

John 19:24

They said, therefore, one to another - Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose, it shall be; - that, the Scripture, might be fulfilled - They parted my garments amongst them, and, for my vestment, they cast lots: - yes verily, the soldiers, these things did.

Psalm 22:18

They part my garments among them, and, for my vestment, they cast lots.

Exodus 12:46

In one house, shall it be eaten, thou shalt not take forth out of the house any of the flesh outside; and a, bone thereof, shalt thou not break.

John 19:37

and, again, a different Scripture, saith - They shall look unto him whom they pierced.

Acts 2:25-28

For, David, saith concerning him - I foresaw the Lord before me continually, because he is, on my right hand, that I may not be shaken; For this reason, was my heart made glad and my tongue exulted, - ye further, even my flesh, shall encamp on hope: Because thou wilt not abandon my soul unto hades, neither wilt thou give thy man of lovingkindness to see corruption;read more.
Thou madest known unto me paths of life, thou wilt make me full of gladness with thy countenance.

Psalm 16:8-11

I have set Yahweh before me continually, because he is on my right hand, I shall not be shaken! Therefore, hath my heart rejoiced, and mine honour exulted, Yea, my flesh, shall settle down securely; For thou wilt not abandon my soul to hades, neither wilt thou suffer thy man of lovingkindness, to see corruption:read more.
Thou wilt cause me to know, the path of life, - Fulness of joys before thee, Pleasures at thy right hand evermore.

Matthew 12:38-41

Then, answered him, certain of the Scribes and Pharisees, saying, Teacher! we desire of thee, a sign, to behold. But, he, answering, said unto them, A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek, and, a sign, will not be, given, it, save the sign of Jonah the prophet. For, just as was Jonah in the belly of the sea-monster three days and three nights, so, will be the Son of Man, in the heart of the earth, three days and three nights.read more.
Men of Nineveh, will rise up in the judgment, with this generation, and will condemn it, - because they repented into the proclamation of Jonah; and lo! something greater than Jonah, here.

Luke 11:29-32

And, as the multitudes were thronging together, he began to be saying - This generation, is, a wicked generation: A sign, it is seeking, and, a sign, shall not be given it, save the sign of Jonah. For, according as, Jonah, became, unto the Ninevites, a sign, so, shall be, the Son of Man also, unto this generation. The queen of the south, will rise up, in the judgment, with the men of this generation, and will condemn them; because she came out of the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, - and lo! something more than Solomon, here.read more.
Men of Nineveh, will rise up, in the judgment, with this generation, and will condemn it; because they repented into the proclamation of Jonah, - and lo! something more than Jonah, here.

Matthew 16:4

A wicked and adulterous generation, a sign, doth seek after, and, a sign, will not be given it, - save the sign of Jonah. And, leaving them behind, he departed.

John 6:31-35

Our fathers, did eat, the manna, in the desert, - just as it is written: Bread out of heaven, he gave them to eat. Jesus said unto them - Verily, verily, I say unto you: Not Moses, gave you the bread out of heaven; but, my Father, giveth you the real bread out of heaven. For, the bread of God, is that which is coming down out of heaven, and giving, life, unto the world.read more.
They said, therefore, unto him - Sir! Evermore, give us this bread. Jesus said unto them - I, am the bread of life: he that cometh unto me, in nowise shall hunger, and, he that believeth on me, in nowise shall thirst, any more.

Hebrews 9:6-14

Now, these things having been thus prepared, into the first tent, indeed, continually do the priests enter, the divine services completing; But, into the second, once for all in the year, only the high-priest, not without blood, which he offered for himself and the ignorances of the people: The Holy Spirit making this evident - that, not yet, hath been manifested, the way through the Holy place, so long as the first tent hath a standing.read more.
The which is a similitude for the present season, according to which both gifts and sacrifices are offered, which cannot, as to the conscience, perfect him that rendereth the divine service: - Only as to eatings, and drinkings, and diversified immersions, - righteous-appointments of the flesh, which, until a season of rectifying, are in force. But, when Christ approached, as high-priest of the coming good things, through the greater and more perfect tent, not made by hand, that is, not of this creation, - Nor yet through blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood he entered once for all into the Holy place, age-abiding redemption discovering. For if the blood of goats and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the profaned, halloweth unto the purity of the flesh, How much rather shall the blood of the Christ, who through an age-abiding spirit offered himself unspotted unto God, purify our conscience from dead works, to the rendering of divine-service, unto a Living God?

1 Peter 1:18-19

Knowing that, Not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, have ye been redeemed from your unmeaning behaviour paternally handed down, But with precious blood, as of a lamb, unblemished and unspotted, of an Anointed One, -

John 19:35

And, he that hath seen, hath borne witness; and, genuine, is his testimony, and, he, knoweth that he saith, what is true, that, ye also, may believe.

John 21:24

This, is the disciple who beareth witness concerning these things, and who hath written these things; and we know that, true, is, his witness.

Acts 13:31

Who appeared, during many days, unto them who had come up with him from Galilee unto Jerusalem; who, indeed, noware his witnesses unto the people.

1 John 1:1-2

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we for ourselves gazed upon, and our hands did handle, concerning the Word of Life, - And, the Life, was made manifest, and we have seen, and are bearing witness, and announcing unto you, the Age-abiding Life, which, indeed, was with the Father, and was made manifest unto us;

Matthew 3:16-17

And Jesus, having been immersed, straightway, went up from the water, - and lo! the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God, descending like a dove coming upon him; and lo! a voice out of the heavens, - saying, This, is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I delight.

Mark 1:9-11

And it came to pass, in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was immersed into the Jordan by John; And, straightway, as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens rending asunder, and, the Spirit, as a dove, descending unto him; and a voice cameout of the heavens - Thou, art my Son, the Beloved, - In thee, I delight.

Luke 3:21-22

Now it came to pass, when one and all the people were immersed, Jesus also, having been immersed, and being at prayer, heaven was opened; and the Holy Spirit descended, in bodily appearance, as a dove, upon him, - and, a voice out of heaven, came - Thou, art my Son, the Beloved, in thee, I delight.

John 1:32-34

And John bare witness, saying - I have gazed upon the Spirit, descending like a dove, out of heaven, - and it abode upon him. And, I, knew him not, - but, he that sent me to immerse in water, he, unto me, said - Upon whomsoever thou shalt see the Spirit descending and abiding upon him, the same, is he that immerseth in Holy Spirit. I, therefore, have seen, and borne witness - That, this, is, the, Son of God.

Luke 9:35

And, a voice, came out of the cloud, saying - This, is my Son, the Chosen One: Unto him, be hearkening.

John 12:23-32

But, Jesus, answereth them, saying - The hour hath come, that the Son of Man should be glorified! Verily! Verily, I say unto you: Except, the kernel of wheat, shall fall into the ground, and die, it, alone, abideth; but, if it die, much fruit, it beareth. He that loveth his life, loseth it; but, he that hateth his life, in this world, unto life age-abiding, shall guard it.read more.
If, with me, anyone be ministering, with me, let him be following; and, where, I, am, there, my minister also, shall be. If anyone, with me, be ministering, the Father, will honour him. Now, is my soul troubled, - and what can I say? Father! save me from this hour? But, on this account, came I unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name! There came, therefore, a voice out of heaven - I both have glorified it, and will glorify it again. So, the multitude that was standing by, and heard it, were saying - It hath, thundered. Others, were saying - A messenger, unto him, hath spoken. Jesus answered, and said - Not for my sake, hath this voice come, but, for your sake. Now, is there, a judging, of this world, - Now, the ruler of this world, shall be cast out; And, I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw, all, unto myself.

2 Peter 1:17-18

For, when he received from God the Father honour and glory, a voice, being borne to him such as this, by the magnificent glory - My Son, the beloved, is, this, in whom, I, delight, Even this voice, we, heard, when, out of heaven, it was borne, we being, with him, in the holy mount.

Romans 1:1-4

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, a called apostle, separated unto the glad-message of God - Which he promised beforehand, through his prophets, in holy scriptures - Concerning his Son, - who came to be of the seed of David, according to flesh,read more.
Who was distinguished as the Son of God - by power, according to a Holy Spirit, through means of a resurrection of the dead, - Jesus Christ our Lord;

Acts 2:24-28

Whom, God, raised up, loosing the pangs of death, inasmuch as it was, not possible, for him to continue held fast by it. For, David, saith concerning him - I foresaw the Lord before me continually, because he is, on my right hand, that I may not be shaken; For this reason, was my heart made glad and my tongue exulted, - ye further, even my flesh, shall encamp on hope:read more.
Because thou wilt not abandon my soul unto hades, neither wilt thou give thy man of lovingkindness to see corruption; Thou madest known unto me paths of life, thou wilt make me full of gladness with thy countenance.

Acts 13:30-35

But, God, raised him from among the dead: Who appeared, during many days, unto them who had come up with him from Galilee unto Jerusalem; who, indeed, noware his witnesses unto the people. We, therefore, unto you, bring the good news, as to the promise which, unto our fathers, was made, -read more.
That God hath fulfilled, the same, for our children, by raising up Jesus: as also, in the second psalm, it is written - My son, art, thou: I, this day, have begotten thee. And, in that he raised him from among the dead, no more destined to return unto corruption, on this wise hath he spoken - I will give unto you the faithful lovingkindnesses of David. Wherefore also, in a different place , he saith - Thou wilt not give thy man of lovingkindness to see corruption.

Romans 8:11

If, moreover, the Spirit of him that raised Jesus from among the dead dwelleth in you, he that raised from among the dead Christ Jesus, shall make alive evenyour death-doomed bodies, through means of his indwelling Spirit within you.

1 Corinthians 15:14-15

And, if Christ, hath not been raised, void, after all, is our proclamation, void also, our faith, - And we are found, even false-witnesses of God, because we have witnessed respecting God, that he raised the Christ, - whom he did not raise, if, indeed, after all, the dead are not raised!

Galatians 1:6-9

I marvel that, thus quickly, ye are moving away from him that called you in the favour of Christ, unto a different glad-message, - Which is not, another, only there are, some, that are troubling you, and wishing to change the glad-message of the Christ. But, even if, we, or, a messenger out of heaven, announce a glad-message unto youaside from that which we announced unto you, accursed, let him be!read more.
As we have said before, even now, again, I say: If anyone is announcing unto you a glad-message aside from that which ye accepted, accursed, let him be!

1 John 4:1-3

Beloved! not in every spirit, believe ye, but test the spirits, whether they are, of God; because, many false prophets, have gone out into the world. Hereby, do ye perceive the Spirit of God: - every spirit that confesseth Jesus Christ as having come, in flesh, is, of God; And, every spirit that doth not confess Jesus, of God, is not. And, this, is the spirit of the Antichrist, touching which ye have heard that it cometh: even now, is it, in the world, already.

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