18 Bible Verses about Light, Natural

Most Relevant Verses

2 Corinthians 4:6

For God, who said [Gen. 1:3], "Light will shine out of darkness," has [also] shone in our hearts to provide [us with] the light of the knowledge of God's splendor [as it shines] on the face of Christ. [Note: This allusion to "splendor shining on Christ's face" may be a continuation of the analogy used in 3:13].

Luke 23:44-45

Now when it was about twelve o'clock noon, darkness came over all the land until three o'clock in the afternoon, for the sun's light failed to shine. Then the Temple curtain became torn down the middle.

Acts 9:3

And when he got close to Damascus, suddenly a [bright, See 22:6] light from the sky shone all around him.

Acts 22:6

"And then it suddenly happened, about noon, as I was traveling and got close to Damascus, that this brilliant light from the sky flashed all around me.

Acts 26:13

[Then] along the road, about noon, O King, I saw a light from the sky, brighter than the sun, shining around me and those traveling with me.

Luke 24:4

And it happened, while they wondered about the situation, suddenly two men in brilliant clothing [were seen] standing beside them.

Acts 12:7

[Then it happened]: [Suddenly] an angel from the Lord stood beside Peter as a light shone into his cell. [The angel] gently struck his side, waking him up, saying, "Get up quickly." His chains fell from his hands.

Revelation 1:16

And He had seven stars in His right hand [See verse 20], and a sharp, double-edged sword came out of His mouth. And His face [shone] as the sun, shining in [all] its brilliance.

Luke 21:25

"Then [Note: This event answers to the "immediately" of Matt. 24:29, and suggests the next major event on God's calendar] there will be [supernatural] signs [evident] in the sun and moon and stars. And on earth [there will be] distress among nations; they will be perplexed by the roaring of the ocean's churning waves. [Note: Probably this is figurative language for highly agitated conditions on earth].

Revelation 12:1

Then a great [supernatural] sign appeared in heaven. [It was that of] a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon was under her feet. On her head was a crown with twelve stars.

Luke 9:29

And as He was praying, the appearance of His face was [miraculously] changed and His clothing became dazzling white.

Mark 9:2

And after six days had passed, Jesus took Peter, James and John aside alone and went up to a high mountain [i.e., probably Mt. Tabor, which was nearby]. [There] His whole appearance was [miraculously] changed in front of them.

Luke 17:24

For the Son of man [will come] in His day just like lightning which flashes from one part of the sky and lights up the other part.

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