17 Bible Verses about Man's Conduct Towards God

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 6:7

And when you pray, do not repeat empty phrases as the heathen do, for they imagine that their prayers will be heard if they use words enough.

Acts 23:1

Paul looked steadily at the council and said, "Brothers, I have done my duty to God with a perfectly clear conscience up to this very day."

1 Corinthians 1:28-29

and it was what the world calls low and insignificant and unreal that God chose to nullify its realities, so that in his presence no human being might have anything to boast of.

2 Corinthians 4:1-2

So since by the mercy of God I am engaged in this service, I never lose heart. I disown disgraceful, underhanded ways. I refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's message. It is by the open statement of the truth that I would commend myself to every human conscience in the sight of God.

Titus 2:11-13

For God's mercy has appeared and brought salvation to all men, training us to renounce godless ways and worldly passions, and live serious, upright, and godly lives in this world, while we wait for the fulfilment of our blessed hope in the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus.

Hebrews 10:19-22

Since then, brothers, we have free access to the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus, by the new, living way which he has opened for us, through the curtain, that is, his physical nature, and since in him we have a great priest set over the house of God,read more.
let us draw near to God in sincerity of heart and with perfect faith, with our hearts cleansed from the sense of sin, and our bodies washed with clean water.

Revelation 15:4

Who will not fear and give glory to your name, Lord? For you alone are holy. All the heathen will come and worship before you, for the justice of your sentences has now been shown."

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