5 Bible Verses about Millennial Kingdom, Christ Crushes Wickedness

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Isaiah 2:2-4

In the last days
the mountain of the Lord’s house will be established
at the top of the mountains
and will be raised above the hills.
All nations will stream to it,
and many peoples will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
to the house of the God of Jacob.
He will teach us about His ways
so that we may walk in His paths.”
For instruction will go out of Zion
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
He will settle disputes among the nations
and provide arbitration for many peoples.
They will turn their swords into plows
and their spears into pruning knives.
Nations will not take up the sword against other nations,
and they will never again train for war.

Isaiah 24:1-13

Look, the Lord is stripping the earth bare
and making it desolate.
He will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants:
people and priest alike,
servant and master,
female servant and mistress,
buyer and seller,
lender and borrower,
creditor and debtor.
The earth will be stripped completely bare
and will be totally plundered,
for the Lord has spoken this message.read more.
The earth mourns and withers;
the world wastes away and withers;
the exalted people of the earth waste away.
The earth is polluted by its inhabitants,
for they have transgressed teachings,
overstepped decrees,
and broken the everlasting covenant.
Therefore a curse has consumed the earth,
and its inhabitants have become guilty;
the earth’s inhabitants have been burned,
and only a few survive.
The new wine mourns;
the vine withers.
All the carousers now groan.
The joyful tambourines have ceased.
The noise of the jubilant has stopped.
The joyful lyre has ceased.
They no longer sing and drink wine;
beer is bitter to those who drink it.
The city of chaos is shattered;
every house is closed to entry.
In the streets they cry for wine.
All joy grows dark;
earth’s rejoicing goes into exile.
Only desolation remains in the city;
its gate has collapsed in ruins.
For this is how it will be on earth
among the nations:
like a harvested olive tree,
like a gleaning after a grape harvest.

Isaiah 26:20-21

Go, my people, enter your rooms
and close your doors behind you.
Hide for a little while until the wrath has passed.
For look, the Lord is coming from His place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.
The earth will reveal the blood shed on it
and will no longer conceal her slain.

Isaiah 2:9-21

So humanity is brought low,
and man is humbled.
Do not forgive them!
Go into the rocks
and hide in the dust
from the terror of the Lord
and from His majestic splendor.
Human pride will be humbled,
and the loftiness of men will be brought low;
the Lord alone will be exalted on that day.read more.
For a day belonging to the Lord of Hosts is coming
against all that is proud and lofty,
against all that is lifted up—it will be humbled—
against all the cedars of Lebanon,
lofty and lifted up,
against all the oaks of Bashan,
against all the high mountains,
against all the lofty hills,
against every high tower,
against every fortified wall,
against every ship of Tarshish,
and against every splendid sea vessel.
So human pride will be brought low,
and the loftiness of men will be humbled;
the Lord alone will be exalted on that day.
The idols will vanish completely. People will go into caves in the rocks
and holes in the ground,
away from the terror of the Lord
and from His majestic splendor,
when He rises to terrify the earth.
On that day people will throw
their silver and gold idols,
which they made to worship,
to the moles and the bats.
They will go into the caves of the rocks
and the crevices in the cliffs,
away from the terror of the Lord
and from His majestic splendor,
when He rises to terrify the earth.

Isaiah 24:16-23

From the ends of the earth we hear songs:
The Splendor of the Righteous One.

But I said, “I waste away! I waste away!
Woe is me.”
The treacherous act treacherously;
the treacherous deal very treacherously. Panic, pit, and trap await you
who dwell on the earth.
Whoever flees at the sound of panic
will fall into a pit,
and whoever escapes from the pit
will be caught in a trap.
For the windows are opened from heaven,
and the foundations of the earth are shaken.
read more.
The earth is completely devastated;
the earth is split open;
the earth is violently shaken.
The earth staggers like a drunkard
and sways like a hut.
Earth’s rebellion weighs it down,
and it falls, never to rise again. On that day the Lord will punish
the host of heaven above
and kings of the earth below.
They will be gathered together
like prisoners in a pit.
They will be confined to a dungeon;
after many days they will be punished.
The moon will be put to shame
and the sun disgraced,
because the Lord of Hosts will reign as king
on Mount Zion in Jerusalem,
and He will display His glory
in the presence of His elders.

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