10 Bible Verses about Old Testament Events As Types

Most Relevant Verses

1 Peter 3:20-21

They having been once unbelieving, when the longsuffering of God waited in Noah's days, the ark being prepared, in which few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. By which also the figure, immersion, now saves us (not by laying aside of the filth of the flesh, but the question of a good. consciousness toward God,) by the rising up of Jesus Christ:

Genesis 7:7

And Noah shall come in, and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives with him to the ark from the face of the water of the flood.

Genesis 22:9-14

And they will come to the place which God said to him; and Abraham will build an altar there, and put in order the wood: and he will find Isaak his son, and put him upon the altar, upon the wood. And Abraham will stretch out the hand and will take the knife to slaughter his son. And the messenger of Jehovah will call to him out of the heavens, and will say, Abraham, Abraham. And he will say, Behold me.read more.
And he will say, Thou shalt not put forth thy hand upon the boy, and thou shalt do nothing to him; for now I know that thou feared God, and thou didst not spare thy son thine only, from me. And Abraham will lift up his eyes, and will see and behold a ram behind, being held in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham will come and take the ram and bring it for a burnt offering instead of his son. And Abraham will call the name of that place, Jehovah will see: which shall be said to this day, Jehovah will see in the mountain

1 Corinthians 10:1-2

And I will not ye be ignorant, brethren, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all immersed into Moses in the cloud, and in the sea;

Exodus 14:15-22

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Why wilt thou cry to me? speak to the sons of Israel and they shall remove. And thou, lift up thy rod, and stretch forth thy hand over the sea, and break it up: and the sons of Israel shall go in the midst of the sea on dry land. And I, behold me binding fast the heart of the Egyptians, and they shall go after them: and I will be honored in Pharaoh, and upon all his army, and in his chariots, and in his horsemen.read more.
And the Egyptians shall know that I am Jehovah in the getting me honor in Pharaoh, in his chariots and in his horsemen. And the messenger of God going before the camp of Israel will remove, and will go from behind them; and the pillar of the cloud will remove from before them, and will stand from behind them, And it will come between the camp of Egypt and between the camp of Israel; and it will be the cloud, and the darkness, and it will make the night light: and this drew not near to this all the night And Moses will stretch forth his hand over the sea, and Jehovah will cause the sea to go by a strong east wind all the night; and he will set the sea for dry land, and the waters will be rent And the sons of Israel will go in the midst of the sea on dry land; and the waters to them a wall from their right hand and from their left.

1 Corinthians 10:4

And all drank the same spiritual drink: for they drank of the spiritual Rock following; and the Rock was Christ.

Exodus 17:5-6

And Jehovah will say to Moses, Pass over before the people and take with thee from the old men of Israel; and thy rod which thou didst strike with it the river, take in thy hand and go. And behold, I stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and strike upon the rock, and waters shall come forth from it, and the people drank. And Moses will do so before the eyes of the old men of Israel.

John 3:14-15

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up; That every one believing in him perish not, but have eternal life.

Numbers 21:4-9

And they will remove from mount Hor, the way of the sea of sedge, to encompass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people will be shortened in the way. And the people will speak against God, and against Moses, For what brought ye us up from Egypt to die in the desert? for no bread, and no water; and our soul loathed upon this light bread. And Jehovah will send upon the people deadly serpents, and they will bite the people; and much people will die from Israelread more.
And the people will come to Moses, and they will say, We sinned, for we spake against Jehovah and against thee; wilt thou pray to Jehovah and he will remove the serpent from us? And Moses will pray for the people. And Jehovah will say to Moses, Make to thee a burning, and put it up for a signal: and it was every one being bitten, and he saw it and lived. And Moses will make a brass serpent, and will set it up for a signal, and it was if the serpent bit a man and he looked upon the brass serpent, and he lived.

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