19 Bible Verses about Praise, Manner And Methods Of

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Philippians 2:9-11

Therefore, God also exalted Him to the highest position and gave Him the name [i.e., "Lord." See verse 11], which is superior to every [other] name. [This was] so that, in [honor of] the name of Jesus, everyone's knee in heaven, on earth and under the earth [i.e., all rational creatures] should bow [i.e., before God], and that everyone's mouth should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Luke 1:67

Then his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying,

Ephesians 5:18-20

And do not get drunk on wine, which results in ruined lives, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. Speak to one another by using psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making music with your hearts to the Lord. Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name [i.e., by the authority] of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Luke 10:21

At that very time Jesus rejoiced in [the power of] the Holy Spirit, and said [in prayer], "I praise you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you concealed these things [i.e., His divine revelations] from those [claiming to be] wise and intelligent and have revealed them to babies [i.e., to simple, sincere, common people]. Yes, Father, this was pleasing to you.

Acts 2:11

Cretans and Arabians. How can it be that we hear [these apostles] speaking about the mighty accomplishments of God in the language of our national origin?

Acts 10:44-46

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit descended upon all those who were listening to this message [i.e., Cornelius and his household]. And the believers of Jewish descent, who had come with Peter, were amazed [when they saw] that the gift of the Holy Spirit had [now] been poured out on the Gentiles also. For [as evidence of it] they heard them speaking in [other] languages [supernaturally] and lifting up God [in praise]. Peter then said,

Colossians 3:16-17

You should let the message of Christ live in you abundantly [i.e., as individuals and collectively]. Use [much] wisdom in teaching and warning one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing with favor [i.e., with thankfulness] in your hearts toward God. And whatever you do, whether in [your] words or actions, do everything in the name [i.e., by the authority] of Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Luke 1:46-47

Then Mary said, "My soul lifts up the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God, my Savior.

Revelation 19:3-4

And again they shouted, "Hallelujah! The smoke from her [burning. See 18:18] ascends forever and ever." Then the twenty-four elders and the four living beings fell down and worshiped God, who sits on His throne. They said, "May it be so, Hallelujah!"

Revelation 19:6

Then I heard what sounded like the voices of a huge crowd, and the sound of much rushing water, and great rolling thunder. They shouted, "Hallelujah! For the Lord, our God Almighty rules.

Revelation 19:1

After these things I heard what sounded like the loud voices of a huge crowd in heaven, shouting, "Hallelujah [which means, "Praise God"]! Salvation and splendor and power belong to our God.

Matthew 21:9

And the crowds that walked ahead and followed behind Him shouted, "Hosanna to the son of David. [Note: The Syriac word 'Hosanna' originally meant 'save now' but came to be used as an expression of welcome, praise, blessing or acclamation]. May He, who comes in the name [i.e., by the authority] of the Lord, be blessed. Hosanna in the highest [i.e., may this blessing reach to the highest heaven]."

Mark 11:9-10

And the people who walked ahead of Him and followed behind shouted, "Hosanna [Note: The Syriac word 'Hosanna' originally meant 'save now' but came to be used as an expression of welcome, praise, blessing or acclamation], may He who comes in the name [i.e., by the authority] of the Lord, be blessed. May the coming kingdom of our forefather David be blessed. Hosanna in the highest [i.e., may this blessing reach to the highest heaven]."

John 12:13

[So], they took branches from palm trees and went out to meet Him, shouting, "Hosanna [Note: See Matt. 21:9 for the meaning of this word], may He, the King of Israel, be praised, for He comes in the name [i.e., by the authority] of the Lord!"

Matthew 21:5

[Zech. 9:9], 'You should tell the daughter of Zion [i.e., the people of Jerusalem], look, your King is coming to you. He is gentle and [will be] riding on a donkey, [even] on a colt, the offspring of the donkey.'"

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