4 Bible Verses about Spiritual Gifts, Importance Of Love

Most Relevant Verses

1 Corinthians 13:1

If with the tongues of men and of messengers I speak, and have not love, I have become brass sounding, or a cymbal tinkling;

Romans 12:5-9

so we, the many, one body are in Christ, and members each one of one another. And having gifts, different according to the grace that was given to us; whether prophecy -- 'According to the proportion of faith!' or ministration -- 'In the ministration!' or he who is teaching -- 'In the teaching!'read more.
or he who is exhorting -- 'In the exhortation!' he who is sharing -- 'In simplicity!' he who is leading -- 'In diligence?' he who is doing kindness -- 'In cheerfulness.' The love unfeigned: abhorring the evil; cleaving to the good;

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