13 Bible Verses about The Temple In Heaven

Most Relevant Verses

Hebrews 9:24

For it was not into a Sanctuary made by hands, a mere type of the reality, that Christ entered, but he entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the very presence of God on our behalf.

Hebrews 9:11

But when Christ came, a High Priest of good things to come, he passed through the greater and more perfect tent not made with hands, that is to say, not of this material creation,

Hebrews 8:2

a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, not man.

Revelation 11:19

Then the temple of God in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen inside his sanctuary; and there followed lightnings and voices and thunders, and an earthquake, and great hail.

Revelation 15:5

After that I looked, and the sanctuary of the tabernacle of testimony was opened in heaven;

Revelation 21:22

And I saw no temple in the city; For the temple is the Lord God, the Almighty, And the Lamb.

Revelation 7:15

For this they are now before the throne of God, and are serving him day and night in his temple. "And He who sits on the throne Will spread his tabernacle over them.

Revelation 14:15

And another angel came out of the temple, shouting with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud. "Thrust in your sickle, and reap; for the time to reap is come. The harvest of the earth is overripe."

Revelation 14:17

And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, and he, too, had a sharp sickle.

Revelation 15:6

and there came out of the sanctuary the seven angels with the seven plagues. They were clothed in white linen, pure and bright, and girt about the breasts with golden girdles.

Revelation 16:1

Then I heard a loud voice which came out of the temple, saying to the seven angels, "Go, empty the seven bowls of the wrath of God upon the earth."

Revelation 16:17

And the seventh poured out his bowl upon the air, and a great voice came forth out of the temple from the throne, saying, "It is finished!"

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