11 Bible Verses about Throwing People

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 4:29

Starting up, they drove Jesus out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town stood, intending to hurl him down.

Mark 9:18

And, wherever it seizes him, it dashes him down; he foams at the mouth and grinds his teeth, and he is pining away. I asked your disciples to drive the spirit out, but they failed."

Matthew 13:50

And 'will throw them into the fiery furnace,' where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.

Luke 17:2

It would be good for him if he had been flung into the sea with a mill-stone round his neck, rather than that he should prove a snare to even one of these lowly ones.

Matthew 18:8

If your hand or your foot is a snare to you, cut it off, and throw it away. It would be better for you to enter the Life maimed or lame, than to have both hands, or both feet, and be thrown into the aeonian fire.

Mark 9:22

"From his childhood," he answered; "and it has often thrown him into fire and into water to put an end to his life; but, if you can possibly do anything, take pity on us, and help us!"

Mark 12:8

So they seized him, and killed him, and threw his body outside the vineyard.

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