Thematic Bible

Psalm 86:1 (show verse)

A Davidic prayer.Listen, Lord, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.
No Themes for this verse.

Psalm 86:2 (show verse)

Protect my life, for I am faithful.
You are my God; save Your servant who trusts in You.

Psalm 86:3 (show verse)

Be gracious to me, Lord,
for I call to You all day long.
No Themes for this verse.

Psalm 86:4 (show verse)

Bring joy to Your servant’s life,
because I turn to You, Lord.
No Themes for this verse.

Psalm 86:5 (show verse)

For You, Lord, are kind and ready to forgive,
rich in faithful love to all who call on You.

Psalm 86:6 (show verse)

Lord, hear my prayer;
listen to my plea for mercy.

Psalm 86:7 (show verse)

I call on You in the day of my distress,
for You will answer me.

Psalm 86:8 (show verse)

Lord, there is no one like You among the gods,
and there are no works like Yours.
No Themes for this verse.

Psalm 86:9 (show verse)

All the nations You have made
will come and bow down before You, Lord,
and will honor Your name.

Psalm 86:10 (show verse)

For You are great and perform wonders;
You alone are God.

Psalm 86:11 (show verse)

Teach me Your way, Yahweh,
and I will live by Your truth.
Give me an undivided mind to fear Your name.

Psalm 86:12 (show verse)

I will praise You with all my heart, Lord my God,
and will honor Your name forever.

Psalm 86:13 (show verse)

For Your faithful love for me is great,
and You deliver my life from the depths of Sheol.

Psalm 86:14 (show verse)

God, arrogant people have attacked me;
a gang of ruthless men seeks my life.
They have no regard for You.
No Themes for this verse.

Psalm 86:15 (show verse)

But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger and rich in faithful love and truth.

Psalm 86:16 (show verse)

Turn to me and be gracious to me.
Give Your strength to Your servant;
save the son of Your female servant.
No Themes for this verse.

Psalm 86:17 (show verse)

Show me a sign of Your goodness;
my enemies will see and be put to shame
because You, Lord, have helped and comforted me.