Leviticus 25:43

You shall not rule over him with severity, but are to revere your God.

Colossians 4:1

Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven.

Exodus 1:13-14

The Egyptians compelled the sons of Israel to labor rigorously;

Leviticus 25:17

So you shall not wrong one another, but you shall fear your God; for I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 25:46

You may even bequeath them to your sons after you, to receive as a possession; you can use them as permanent slaves. But in respect to your countrymen, the sons of Israel, you shall not rule with severity over one another.

Leviticus 25:53

Like a man hired year by year he shall be with him; he shall not rule over him with severity in your sight.

Ezekiel 34:4

Those who are sickly you have not strengthened, the diseased you have not healed, the broken you have not bound up, the scattered you have not brought back, nor have you sought for the lost; but with force and with severity you have dominated them.

Ephesians 6:9

And masters, do the same things to them, and give up threatening, knowing that both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no partiality with Him.

Exodus 1:17

But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt had commanded them, but let the boys live.

Exodus 1:21

Because the midwives feared God, He established households for them.

Exodus 2:23

Now it came about in the course of those many days that the king of Egypt died. And the sons of Israel sighed because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry for help because of their bondage rose up to God.

Exodus 3:7

The Lord said, “I have surely seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and have given heed to their cry because of their taskmasters, for I am aware of their sufferings.

Exodus 3:9

Now, behold, the cry of the sons of Israel has come to Me; furthermore, I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians are oppressing them.

Exodus 5:14

Moreover, the foremen of the sons of Israel, whom Pharaoh’s taskmasters had set over them, were beaten and were asked, “Why have you not completed your required amount either yesterday or today in making brick as previously?”

Deuteronomy 25:18

how he met you along the way and attacked among you all the stragglers at your rear when you were faint and weary; and he did not fear God.

Isaiah 47:6

“I was angry with My people,
I profaned My heritage
And gave them into your hand.
You did not show mercy to them,
On the aged you made your yoke very heavy.

Isaiah 58:3

‘Why have we fasted and You do not see?
Why have we humbled ourselves and You do not notice?’
Behold, on the day of your fast you find your desire,
And drive hard all your workers.

Malachi 3:5

“Then I will draw near to you for judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the wage earner in his wages, the widow and the orphan, and those who turn aside the alien and do not fear Me,” says the Lord of hosts.

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