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And when Joseph awoke from his sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him, and took his wife,

And when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod will seek the young child to destroy it.

And when Herod had died, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, in Egypt, saying,

And this John had his clothes of camel's hair, and a leather girdle about his loins, and his food was locusts and wild honey.

And when Jesus had finished these words the multitudes were astonished at his teaching;

And when he had come to the other side, into the country of the Gadarenes, two demoniacs met him, coming out of the tombs, exceedingly fierce, so that no man could pass that way.

And when he had gone into the house the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, Do you believe that I am able to do this? They said to him, Yes, Lord.

And when they had gone away, behold, the people brought to him a man, a dumb demoniac.

And when Jesus had finished his charge to his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and preach in their cities.

And when they had gone, Jesus began to say to the multitudes, concerning John, What went you out to the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?

Then he began to rebuke those cities in which most of his mighty works had been done, because they changed not their minds.

Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works which have been done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have changed their minds long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

And you, Capernaum, which are exalted even to heaven, shall go down even to hades; for if the mighty works which have been done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained to this day.

But if you had known what, I wish for mercy and not a sacrifice, means, you would not have condemned the innocent;

And some fell on rocky places, where it had not much earth, and it came up immediately, because it had no depth of earth;

and when the sun arose it was scorched, and because it had no root it was dried up.

who, finding one very costly, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

And when Jesus had finished these parables he departed thence,

For Herod having seized John, had bound him, and put him in prison, on account of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife.

And he having nothing to pay, the lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.

AND when Jesus had finished these words he departed from Galilee, and came into the bounds of Judea beyond the Jordan;

and when they had received it, they complained of the householder,

But what do you think? A man had two sons; and he went to the first, and said, Son, go and work to-day in the vineyard.

And the Pharisees hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees, were assembled together,

and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

But know this, that if the householder had known in what watch the thief comes, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken into.

WHEN Jesus had finished all these words he said to his disciples,

The Son of man goes indeed, as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it would be good for him if that man had not been born.

And when they had mocked him, they took the cloak off from him, and put on him his own clothes, and led him away to crucify him.

And there were many women there, beholding from afar, who had followed Jesus from Galilee, to wait upon him;

and placed it in a new tomb of his which he had excavated in a rock, and having rolled a great stone to the door of the tomb he went away;

And as they went, behold, some of the guard came into the city and told the chief priests all the things which had happened.

And the eleven disciples went to Galilee on the mountain where Jesus had appointed them;

And he said to them, Have you never read what David did, when he had need, and was hungry? both he and those with him?

And some fell on a rocky place, where it had not much earth, and it came up immediately, because it had no depth of earth;

and when the sun rose, it was scorched, and because it had no root it was dried up.

And those who saw related to them how it had been with the demoniac, and concerning the swine.

And entering into the ship, the man that had been a demoniac besought him that he might go with him;

And he went away and proclaimed in the Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him; and all wondered.

And Jesus immediately knowing in himself that a power had gone out from him, turning round in the crowd said, Who touched my clothes?

And he looked round to see her that had done this.

For Herod had sent and taken John, and, put him bound in prison on account of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, because he had married her.

And the apostles came together to Jesus and reported to him all things, both what they had done and what instructions they had given.

And when much time had already passed, his disciples came to him and said, This is a solitary place, and much time has already passed;

And when he had gone from the multitude into the house, his disciples asked him concerning the parable.

But immediately, a woman whose little daughter had an impure spirit, hearing of him, came and fell down at his feet;

And they had a few small fishes; and having blessed them, he commanded to present them also.

And they reasoned with themselves, because they had no bread.

And coming down from the mountain he charged them to tell no man what they had seen, till the Son of man should have risen from the dead.

And they were silent; for they had disputed with each other on the way as to who was the greatest.

In the resurrection, when they rise, whose wife shall she be? for the seven had her as a wife.

For all [others] have cast in of their abundance; but she of her want has cast in all that she had her entire living.

And unless the Lord had shortened those days no flesh would be saved; but for the elects' sake, whom he has chosen, he has shortened the days.

And his disciples went out, and came into the city, and found as he had said to them, and prepared the passover.

The Son of man goes indeed as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would be good for him if that man had not been born.

And the traitor had given them this signal, saying, Whom I shall kiss, he is the one; take him, and lead him away safely.

And there was a man called Barabbas, bound with the insurgents, who had committed murder in a sedition.

And the multitude went up and requested as he had always done to them.

And when they had mocked him they took off the purple garment, and put on him his own clothes, and they led him away to crucify him,

who also followed him when he was in Galilee, and waited on him, and many others who had come up with him to Jerusalem.

And Pilate wondered that he was already dead; and calling the centurion asked him if he had been dead for some time.

She went and told those who had been with him, who were weeping and lamenting;

and when they heard that he was alive, and had been seen by her, they did not believe it.

And afterwards he appeared to the eleven, as they reclined, and reproached their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not those who had seen him since he rose from the dead.

And when he came out he could not speak to them; and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple. And he made signs to them, and continued dumb.

And when Elizabeth's time to bear had fully come, she bore a son;

and her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had magnified his mercy to her, and congratulated her.

And when the angels had departed from them to heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us go now to Bethlehem, and see this thing which has occurred, which the Lord has made known to us.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.

And when they had finished all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their city Nazareth.

But Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him on account of Herodias his brother's wife and for all the evil deeds which Herod had done,

And when the sun went down, all who had friends sick with various diseases brought them to him; and putting his hands on each one of them he cured them;

For he was amazed, and all that were with him, at the draught of fishes which they had taken.

And he arose immediately before them, and taking up that on which he had lain departed to his house, glorifying God.

WHEN he had finished all his discourses in the hearing of the people, he entered into Capernaum.

And when the messengers of John had gone away, he said to the multitudes concerning John, What went you out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with a wind?