96 occurrences

'Long' in the Bible

"Alas for thee, Chorazin!" He cried. "Alas for thee, Bethsaida! For had the mighty works been done in Tyre and Sidon which have been done in both of you, they would long ere now have repented, covered with sackcloth and ashes.

But I tell you that he has already come, and they did not recognize him, but dealt with him as they chose. And before long the Son of Man will be treated by them in a similar way."

And going out about five o'clock he found others loitering, and he asked them, "'Why have you been standing here all day long, doing nothing?'

But if the man, being a bad servant, should say in his heart, 'My master is a long time in coming,'

The bridegroom was a long time in coming, so that meanwhile they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

They twisted a wreath of thorny twigs and put it on His head, and they put a sceptre of cane in His right hand, and kneeling to Him they shouted in mockery, "Long live the King of the Jews!"

"Can a wedding party fast while the bridegroom is among them?" replied Jesus. "So long as they have the bridegroom with them, fasting is impossible.

"O unbelieving generation!" replied Jesus; "how long must I be with you? how long must I have patience with you? Bring the boy to me."

Then Jesus asked the father, "How long has he been like this?" "From early childhood," he said;

Soon on His feet once more, He enters the district of Judaea and crosses the Jordan: again the people flock to Him, and ere long, as was usual with Him, He was teaching them once more.

Moreover in the course of His teaching He said, "Be on your guard against the Scribes who like to walk about in long robes and to be bowed to in places of public resort,

and who swallow up the property of widows and then mask their wickedness by making long prayers: these men will receive far heavier punishment."

and went on to salute Him with shouts of "Long live the King of the Jews."

But Pilate could hardly believe that He was already dead. He called, however, for the Centurion and inquired whether He had been long dead;

Upon entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting at their right hand, clothed in a long white robe. They were astonished and terrified.

Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zechariah, and were surprised that he stayed so long in the Sanctuary.

Not long after this, Mary rose up and went in haste into the hill country to a town in Judah.

"Rabbi," replied Peter, "all night long we have worked hard and caught nothing; but at your command I will let down the nets."

"Can you compel the bridal party to fast," replied Jesus, "so long as they have the bridegroom among them?

Here, on landing, He was met by one of the townsmen who was possessed by demons--for a long time he had not put on any garment, nor did he live in a house, but in the tombs.

"As for you, store these my sayings in your memory; for, before long, the Son of Man will be betrayed into the hands of men."

"Alas for thee, Chorazin! Alas for thee, Bethsaida! For had the miracles been performed in Tyre and Sidon which have been performed in you, long ere now they would have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.

But if that servant should say in his heart, 'My Master is a long time in coming,' and should begin to beat the menservants and the maids, and to eat and drink, drinking even to excess;

If not, while the other is still a long way off, he sends messengers and sues for peace.

"Beware of the Scribes, who like to walk about in long robes, and love to be bowed to in places of public resort and to occupy the best seats in the synagogues or at a dinner party;

who swallow up the property of widows and mask their wickedness by making long prayers. They will be punished far more severely than others."

To Herod the sight of Jesus was a great gratification, for, for a long time, he had been wanting to see Him, because he had heard so much about Him. He hoped also to see some miracle performed by Him.

Jesus saw him lying there, and knowing that he had been a long time in that condition, He asked him, "Do you wish to have health and strength?"

when the Jews gathered round Him and kept asking Him, "How long do you mean to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us so plainly."

His influence over them arose from their having been, for a long time, bewildered by his sorceries.

and after there had been a long discussion Peter rose to his feet. "It is within your own knowledge," he said, "that God originally made choice among you that from my lips the Gentiles were to hear the Message of the Good News, and believe.

Says the Lord, who has been making these things known from ages long past.'

And Judas and Silas, being themselves also Prophets, gave them a long and encouraging talk, and strengthened them in the faith.

There is danger, therefore, not only that this our trade will become of no account, but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana will fall into utter disrepute, and that before long she will be actually deposed from her majestic rank--she who is now worshipped by the whole province of Asia; nay, by the whole world."

Then he went upstairs again, broke bread, and took some food; and after a long conversation which was continued till daybreak, at last he parted from them.

"Before long," exclaimed Paul, "God will strike you, you white-washed wall! Are you sitting there to judge me in accordance with the Law, and do you yourself actually break the Law by ordering me to be struck?"

But--not to detain you too long--I beg you in your forbearance to listen to a brief statement from us.

and having a hope directed towards God, which my accusers themselves also entertain, that before long there will be a resurrection both of the righteous and the unrighteous.

Not long after this, Felix came with Drusilla his wife, a Jewess, and sending for Paul, listened to him as he spoke about faith in Christ Jesus.

and, during their rather long stay, Festus laid Paul's case before the king. "There is a man here," he said, "whom Felix left a prisoner,

"Sirs," he said, "I perceive that before long the voyage will be attended with danger and heavy loss, not only to the cargo and the ship but to our own lives also."

But it was not long before a furious north-east wind, coming down from the mountains, burst upon us and carried the ship out of her course.

When for a long time they had taken but little food, Paul, standing up among them, said, "Sirs, you ought to have listened to me and not have sailed from Crete. You would then have escaped this suffering and loss.

They expected him soon to swell with inflammation or suddenly fall down dead; but, after waiting a long time and seeing no harm come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god.

it was for our sakes too. Faith, before long, will be placed to the credit of us also who are believers in Him who raised Jesus, our Lord, from the dead,

And more than that, we ourselves, though we possess the Spirit as a foretaste and pledge of the glorious future, yet we ourselves inwardly sigh, as we wait and long for open recognition as sons through the deliverance of our bodies.

As it stands written in the Scripture, "For Thy sake they are, all day long, trying to kill us. We have been looked upon as sheep destined for slaughter."

While as to Israel he says, "All day long I have stretched out My arms to a self-willed and fault-finding people."

and all drank the same spiritual drink; for they long drank the water that flowed from the spiritual rock that went with them--and that rock was the Christ.

Does not Nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a dishonor to him,

For in this one we sigh, because we long to put on over it our dwelling which comes from Heaven--

But, if the Lord permits it, I hope before long to send Timothy to you, that I, in turn, may be cheered by getting news of you.

but trusting, as I do, in the Lord, I believe that I shall myself also come to you before long.

But now that Timothy has recently come back to us from you, and has brought us the happy tidings of your faith and love, and has told us how you still cherish a constant and affectionate recollection of us, and are longing to see us as we also long to see you--

This is the charge which I entrust to you, my son Timothy, in accordance with the inspired instructions concerning you which were given me long ago, that being equipped with them as your armour you may be continually fighting the good fight,

All this I write to you, though I am hoping before long to come to see you.

He again definitely mentions a certain day, "To-day," saying long afterwards, by David's lips, in the words already quoted, "To-day, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts."

For although, considering the long time you have been believers, you ought now to be teachers of others, you really need some one to teach you over again the very rudiments of the truths of God, and you have come to require milk instead of solid food.

But we long for each of you to continue to manifest the same earnestness, with a view to your enjoying fulness of hope to the very End;

These arrangements having long been completed, the priests, when conducting the divine services, continually enter the outer tent.

And the lesson which the Holy Spirit teaches is this--that the way into the true Holy place is not yet open so long as the outer tent still remains in existence.

And a will is only of force in the case of a deceased person, being never of any avail so long as he who made it lives.

There remains nothing but a certain awful expectation of judgement, and the fury of a fire which before long will devour the enemies of the truth.

To them it was revealed that they were serving not themselves but you, when they foretold the very things which have now been openly declared to you by those who, having been taught by the Holy Spirit which had been sent from Heaven, brought you the Good News. Angels long to stoop and look into these things.

But I think it right, so long as I remain in the body, my present dwelling-place, to arouse you by such reminders.

so that you may recall the words spoken long ago by the holy Prophets, and the commandments of our Lord and Saviour given you through your Apostles.

Accordingly, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, before long I will vomit you out of My mouth.

And there was given to each of them a long white robe, and they were bidden to wait patiently for a short time longer, until the full number of their fellow bondservants should also complete--namely of their brethren who were soon to be killed just as they had been.

After this I looked, and a vast host appeared which it was impossible for anyone to count, gathered out of every nation and from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in long white robes, and carrying palm-branches in their hands.

Then, addressing me, one of the Elders said, "Who are these people clothed in the long white robes? And where have they come from?"

They have power given to them to seal up the sky, so that no rain may fall so long as they continue to prophesy; and power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with various plagues whenever they choose to do so.

She gave birth to a son--a male child, destined before long to rule all nations with an iron scepter. But her child was caught up to God and His throne,

"The Wild Beast which you have seen was, and is not, and yet is destined to re-ascend, before long, out of the bottomless pit and go his way into perdition. And the inhabitants of the earth will be filled with amazement--all whose names are not in the Book of Life, having been recorded there ever since the creation of the world--when they see the Wild Beast: because he was, and is not, and yet is to come.

The plan of the city is a square, the length being the same as the breadth; and he measured the city furlong by furlong, with his measuring rod--it is twelve hundred miles long, and the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 9

Usage: 7

Usage: 5

length , long , ever , as long as , high
Usage: 95

by, as long, hitherto, when, how long, as yet
Usage: 784

רחק רחוק 
Usage: 85

Usage: 26

Usage: 276

Usage: 34

Usage: 15

Usage: 3

Usage: 119

Usage: 14

Usage: 19

Usage: 6

מה מ־ מ־ מה מה 
Usage: 751

Usage: 40

עד עוד 
Usage: 483

עלם עולם 
Usage: 438

with, unto, by, as long, neither, from between, from among
Usage: 1061

Usage: 458

Usage: 153

Usage: 224

Usage: 6

Usage: 34

of a long time , of old
Usage: 2

Usage: 1

Usage: 75

Usage: 39

Usage: 1

Usage: 14

long , far
Usage: 0

Usage: 1

no more , no longer , henceforth not , no , no ... henceforward , hereafter ,
Usage: 16

Usage: 76

when , as soon as , as long as , that , whensoever , while , till
Usage: 49

long ago , any while , a great while ago , old , in time past , of old
Usage: 4

Usage: 9

Usage: 7

so much , so great , so many , so long , as large , these many , so many things
Usage: 17

Usage: 2