Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.

Bible References

And fill

Ezekiel 2:10
When He spread it out before me, it was written on the front and back, and written on it were lamentations, mourning and woe.
Job 32:18
“For I am full of words;
The spirit within me constrains me.
Jeremiah 6:11
But I am full of the wrath of the Lord;
I am weary with holding it in.
Pour it out on the children in the street
And on the gathering of young men together;
For both husband and wife shall be taken,
The aged and the very old.
Jeremiah 20:9
But if I say, “I will not remember Him
Or speak anymore in His name,”
Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire
Shut up in my bones;
And I am weary of holding it in,
And I cannot endure it.
John 7:38
He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’”
Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.


Psalm 119:11
Your word I have treasured in my heart,
That I may not sin against You.
Jeremiah 15:16
Your words were found and I ate them,
And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart;
For I have been called by Your name,
O Lord God of hosts.
John 6:53
So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.

It was

Job 23:12
“I have not departed from the command of His lips;
I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.
Psalm 19:10
They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold;
Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.
Psalm 119:97
O how I love Your law!
It is my meditation all the day.
Proverbs 2:10
For wisdom will enter your heart
And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;
Revelation 10:9
So I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. And he *said to me, “Take it and eat it; it will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.”