Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

General references

Bible References

The cry

Genesis 4:10
He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground.
Genesis 19:13
for we are about to destroy this place, because their outcry has become so great before the Lord that the Lord has sent us to destroy it.”
Isaiah 3:9
The expression of their faces bears witness against them,
And they display their sin like Sodom;
They do not even conceal it.
Woe to them!
For they have brought evil on themselves.
Isaiah 5:7
For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel
And the men of Judah His delightful plant.
Thus He looked for justice, but behold, bloodshed;
For righteousness, but behold, a cry of distress.
Jeremiah 14:7
“Although our iniquities testify against us,
O Lord, act for Your name’s sake!
Truly our apostasies have been many,
We have sinned against You.
James 5:4
Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields, and which has been withheld by you, cries out against you; and the outcry of those who did the harvesting has reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.


Genesis 13:13
Now the men of Sodom were wicked exceedingly and sinners against the Lord.

General references

Genesis 3:9
Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?”
Luke 17:28
It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building;