Job 15:30

“He will not escape from darkness;
The flame will wither his shoots,
And by the breath of His mouth he will go away.

Job 4:9

“By the breath of God they perish,
And by the blast of His anger they come to an end.

Job 15:22

“He does not believe that he will return from darkness,
And he is destined for the sword.

Job 20:26

Complete darkness is held in reserve for his treasures,
And unfanned fire will devour him;
It will consume the survivor in his tent.

Job 5:14

“By day they meet with darkness,
And grope at noon as in the night.

Job 10:21-22

Before I go—and I shall not return—
To the land of darkness and deep shadow,

Job 18:5-6

“Indeed, the light of the wicked goes out,
And the flame of his fire gives no light.

Job 18:18

He is driven from light into darkness,
And chased from the inhabited world.

Job 22:20

Saying, ‘Truly our adversaries are cut off,
And their abundance the fire has consumed.’

Isaiah 11:4

But with righteousness He will judge the poor,
And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth;
And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked.

Isaiah 30:33

For Topheth has long been ready,
Indeed, it has been prepared for the king.
He has made it deep and large,
A pyre of fire with plenty of wood;
The breath of the Lord, like a torrent of brimstone, sets it afire.

Ezekiel 15:4-7

If it has been put into the fire for fuel, and the fire has consumed both of its ends and its middle part has been charred, is it then useful for anything?

Ezekiel 20:47-48

and say to the forest of the Negev, ‘Hear the word of the Lord: thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am about to kindle a fire in you, and it will consume every green tree in you, as well as every dry tree; the blazing flame will not be quenched and the whole surface from south to north will be burned by it.

Matthew 8:12

but the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Matthew 22:13

Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Matthew 25:41

“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;

Mark 9:43-49

If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled, than, having your two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire,

2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

2 Peter 2:17

These are springs without water and mists driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved.

Jude 1:13

wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.

Revelation 19:15

From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth shall he go away.

Bible References


Job 15:22
“He does not believe that he will return from darkness,
And he is destined for the sword.
Job 10:21
Before I go—and I shall not return—
To the land of darkness and deep shadow,
Job 18:5
“Indeed, the light of the wicked goes out,
And the flame of his fire gives no light.
Matthew 8:12
but the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
Matthew 22:13
Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
2 Peter 2:17
These are springs without water and mists driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved.
Jude 1:13
wild waves of the sea, casting up their own shame like foam; wandering stars, for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.

The flame

Job 20:26
Complete darkness is held in reserve for his treasures,
And unfanned fire will devour him;
It will consume the survivor in his tent.
Isaiah 30:33
For Topheth has long been ready,
Indeed, it has been prepared for the king.
He has made it deep and large,
A pyre of fire with plenty of wood;
The breath of the Lord, like a torrent of brimstone, sets it afire.
Ezekiel 15:4
If it has been put into the fire for fuel, and the fire has consumed both of its ends and its middle part has been charred, is it then useful for anything?
Ezekiel 20:47
and say to the forest of the Negev, ‘Hear the word of the Lord: thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am about to kindle a fire in you, and it will consume every green tree in you, as well as every dry tree; the blazing flame will not be quenched and the whole surface from south to north will be burned by it.
Matthew 25:41
“Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
Mark 9:43
If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life crippled, than, having your two hands, to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire,
2 Thessalonians 1:8
dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

By the breath

Job 4:9
“By the breath of God they perish,
And by the blast of His anger they come to an end.
Isaiah 11:4
But with righteousness He will judge the poor,
And decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth;
And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
And with the breath of His lips He will slay the wicked.
Revelation 19:15
From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.