Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.

And the lusts

General references

Bible References

The cares

Luke 10:41
But the Lord answered and said to her, Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things;
Luke 12:17
And he began reasoning to himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no place to store my crops?’
Luke 14:18
But they all alike began to make excuses. The first one said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of land and I need to go out and look at it; please consider me excused.’
Luke 21:34
Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap;
Philippians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
2 Timothy 4:10
for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica; Crescens has gone to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia.

And the lusts

1 Peter 4:2
so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God.
1 John 2:15
Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


Isaiah 5:2
He dug it all around, removed its stones,
And planted it with the choicest vine.
And He built a tower in the middle of it
And also hewed out a wine vat in it;
Then He expected it to produce good grapes,
But it produced only worthless ones.
Matthew 3:10
The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
John 15:2
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.
Hebrews 6:7
For ground that drinks the rain which often falls on it and brings forth vegetation useful to those for whose sake it is also tilled, receives a blessing from God;
2 Peter 1:8
For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:12
These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted;

General references

Matthew 13:7
Others fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out.
Mark 4:7
Other seed fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and it yielded no crop.