Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee's children.

The mother

Bible References

Mary magdalene

Matthew 27:61
And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the grave.
Matthew 28:1
Now after the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave.
Mark 15:40
There were also some women looking on from a distance, among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the Less and Joses, and Salome.
Mark 16:1
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might come and anoint Him.
Luke 24:10
Now they were Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James; also the other women with them were telling these things to the apostles.
John 20:1
Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene *came early to the tomb, while it *was still dark, and *saw the stone already taken away from the tomb.

Mary the

Mark 15:47
Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses were looking on to see where He was laid.
Mark 16:1
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, so that they might come and anoint Him.
John 19:25
Therefore the soldiers did these things.But standing by the cross of Jesus were His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.

The mother

Matthew 20:20
Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Jesus with her sons, bowing down and making a request of Him.