Caiaphas in the Bible

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Then they arrested Jesus and led Him away to the head priest's house [i.e., Caiaphas. See Matt. 26:57]. But Peter followed Him from a distance [i.e., as they went to the head priest's courtyard].

Meanwhile, the head priest asked Jesus about His disciples and His teaching. [Note: This was probably Annas, the former "head priest" who later sent Jesus to the current head priest, Caiaphas. See verse 24].

Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment: and it was early; and they themselves went not into the judgment hall, lest they should be defiled; but that they might eat the passover.

And Annas the high priest, and Caiaphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest, were gathered together at Jerusalem.

Thematic Bible

Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas the High Priest.

Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas, the High Priest, where the Teachers of the Law and the Councillors had assembled.

"You know that in two days time the Festival of the Passover will be here; and that the Son of Man is to be given up to be crucified." Then the Chief Priests and the Councillors of the Nation met in the house of the High Priest, who was called Caiaphas,

But Jesus remained silent. On this the High Priest said to him: "I adjure you, by the Living God, to tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God." "It is true," Jesus answered; "Moreover I tell you all that hereafter you shall 'see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Almighty, and coming on the clouds of the heavens.'" Then the High Priest tore his robes. "This is blasphemy!" he exclaimed. "Why do we want any more witnesses? You have just heard his blasphemy!

From Caiaphas they took Jesus to the Government House. It was early in the morning. But they did not enter the Government House themselves, lest they should become 'defiled,' and so be unable to eat the Passover.

One of them, however, Caiaphas, who was High Priest that year, said to them: "You are utterly mistaken. You do not consider that it is better for you that one man should die for the people, rather than the whole nation should be destroyed." Now he did not say this of his own accord; but, as High Priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was to die for the nation--

It was Caiaphas who had counseled the Jews, that it was best that one man should die for the people.

While Peter and John were still speaking to the people, the Chief Priest, with the Officer in charge at the Temple and the Sadducees, came up to them, Much annoyed because they were teaching the people, and because, through Jesus, they were preaching the resurrection from the dead. They arrested the Apostles and, as it was already evening, had them placed in custody till the next day. read more.
Many, however, of those who had heard the Apostles' Message became believers in Christ, the number of the men alone amounting to about five thousand. The next day, a meeting of the leading men, the Councillors, and the Teachers of the Law was held in Jerusalem. There were present Annas the High Priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who were of High-Priestly rank. They had Peter and John brought before them, and questioned them. "By what power," they asked, "Or in whose name have men like you done this thing?" On this, Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke as follows: "Leaders of the people and Councillors, Since we are on our trial to-day for a kind act done to a helpless man, and are asked in what way the man here before you has been cured, Let me tell you all and all the people of Israel, that it is by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified and whom God raised from the dead--it is, I say, by his Name that this man stands here before you lame no longer. Jesus is 'the stone which, scorned by you the builders, has yet become the corner stone.' And Salvation is in him alone; for there is no other Name in the whole world, given to men, to which we must look for our Salvation." When the Council saw how boldly Peter and John spoke, and found that they were uneducated men of humble station, they were surprised, and realized that they had been companions of Jesus. But, when they looked at the man who had been healed, standing there with them, they had nothing to say. So they ordered them out of court, and then began consulting together. "What are we to do to these men?" they asked one another. "That a remarkable sign has been given through them is obvious to every one living in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. But, to prevent this thing from spreading further among the people, let us warn them not to speak in this Name any more to any one whatever." So they called the Apostles in, and ordered them not to speak or teach in the Name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied: "Whether it is right, in the sight of God, to listen to you rather than to him-- Judge for yourselves, for we cannot help speaking of what we have seen and heard." However, after further warnings, the Council set them at liberty, not seeing any safe way of punishing them, because of the people, for they were all praising God for what had occurred; For the man who was the subject of this miraculous cure was more than forty years old.

And took him first of all to Annas. Annas was the father-in- law of Caiaphas, who was High Priest that year.

And when Annas and Caiaphas were High Priests, a Command from God came to John, the son of Zechariah, while he was in the wilderness.

Those who had arrested Jesus took him to Caiaphas, the High Priest, where the Teachers of the Law and the Councillors had assembled.

"You know that in two days time the Festival of the Passover will be here; and that the Son of Man is to be given up to be crucified." Then the Chief Priests and the Councillors of the Nation met in the house of the High Priest, who was called Caiaphas,

But Jesus remained silent. On this the High Priest said to him: "I adjure you, by the Living God, to tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God." "It is true," Jesus answered; "Moreover I tell you all that hereafter you shall 'see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the Almighty, and coming on the clouds of the heavens.'" Then the High Priest tore his robes. "This is blasphemy!" he exclaimed. "Why do we want any more witnesses? You have just heard his blasphemy!

One of them, however, Caiaphas, who was High Priest that year, said to them: "You are utterly mistaken. You do not consider that it is better for you that one man should die for the people, rather than the whole nation should be destroyed." Now he did not say this of his own accord; but, as High Priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was to die for the nation--

It was Caiaphas who had counseled the Jews, that it was best that one man should die for the people.




