Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Bible References


Proverbs 1:27
When your dread comes like a storm
And your calamity comes like a whirlwind,
When distress and anguish come upon you.
2 Thessalonians 1:6
For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you,


Ezekiel 18:4
Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine. The soul who sins will die.
Matthew 16:26
For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

Of the jew

Romans 2:10
but glory and honor and peace to everyone who does good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
Romans 3:29
Or is God the God of Jews only? Is He not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also,
Romans 4:9
Is this blessing then on the circumcised, or on the uncircumcised also? For we say, “Faith was credited to Abraham as righteousness.”
Romans 9:24
even us, whom He also called, not from among Jews only, but also from among Gentiles.
Romans 10:12
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him;
Romans 15:8
For I say that Christ has become a servant to the circumcision on behalf of the truth of God to confirm the promises given to the fathers,
Amos 3:2
You only have I chosen among all the families of the earth;
Therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.”
Matthew 11:20
Then He began to denounce the cities in which most of His miracles were done, because they did not repent.
Luke 2:30
For my eyes have seen Your salvation,
Luke 12:47
And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes,
Luke 24:47
and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
Acts 3:26
For you first, God raised up His Servant and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.”
Acts 11:18
When they heard this, they quieted down and glorified God, saying, “Well then, God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life.”
Acts 13:26
“Brethren, sons of Abraham’s family, and those among you who fear God, to us the message of this salvation has been sent.
Acts 18:5
But when Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul began devoting himself completely to the word, solemnly testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ.
Acts 20:21
solemnly testifying to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts 26:20
but kept declaring both to those of Damascus first, and also at Jerusalem and then throughout all the region of Judea, and even to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance.
Acts 28:17
After three days Paul called together those who were the leading men of the Jews, and when they came together, he began saying to them, “Brethren, though I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our fathers, yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.
Galatians 2:15
“We are Jews by nature and not sinners from among the Gentiles;
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:11
Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called “Uncircumcision” by the so-called “Circumcision,” which is performed in the flesh by human hands—
Colossians 3:11
a renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.
1 Peter 4:17
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

General references

Leviticus 26:3
If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments so as to carry them out,
Deuteronomy 11:28
and the curse, if you do not listen to the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following other gods which you have not known.
Isaiah 34:8
For the Lord has a day of vengeance,
A year of recompense for the cause of Zion.
Galatians 6:5
For each one will bear his own load.