Romans 6:1

THAT then shall we say? Shall we abide in sin, that grace may abound?

Romans 6:15

What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

Romans 2:4

Or despisest thou the riches of his kindness and patience and long-suffering, ignorant that this goodness of God is leading thee to repentance?

Romans 3:5-8

But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is not God unrighteous in inflicting wrath? (I speak humanly).

Romans 3:31

Do we then abolish the law through faith? God forbid: but on the contrary, we give the law stability.

Romans 5:20-21

But the law was introduced, that the offence might be more abundant. But where sin had abounded, there hath grace abounded more exceedingly:

Galatians 5:13

For ye have been called unto liberty, brethren; only use not that liberty as a pretext for carnality, but in love be subject one to another.

1 Peter 2:16

as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for wicked practices; but as being servants of God.

2 Peter 2:18-19

Uttering pompous discourses of inanity, ensnaring by the lusts of the flesh, by lascivious impurities, those who had truly escaped from such as live in a course of delusion.

Jude 1:4

For certain men have craftily introduced themselves, who were from of old proscribed for this condemnation, ungodly men, changing the grace of God into impurity, and denying our only sovereign God and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?

General references

Bible References


Romans 6:15
What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.
Romans 2:4
Or despisest thou the riches of his kindness and patience and long-suffering, ignorant that this goodness of God is leading thee to repentance?
Romans 3:5
But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is not God unrighteous in inflicting wrath? (I speak humanly).
Romans 5:20
But the law was introduced, that the offence might be more abundant. But where sin had abounded, there hath grace abounded more exceedingly:
Galatians 5:13
For ye have been called unto liberty, brethren; only use not that liberty as a pretext for carnality, but in love be subject one to another.
1 Peter 2:16
as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for wicked practices; but as being servants of God.
2 Peter 2:18
Uttering pompous discourses of inanity, ensnaring by the lusts of the flesh, by lascivious impurities, those who had truly escaped from such as live in a course of delusion.
Jude 1:4
For certain men have craftily introduced themselves, who were from of old proscribed for this condemnation, ungodly men, changing the grace of God into impurity, and denying our only sovereign God and Lord, Jesus Christ.

General references

Ephesians 4:20
But ye have not so learned Christ;