Romans 9:20

On the contrary, who are you, O man, who answers [arrogantly] back to God and dares to defy Him? Will the thing which is formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?”

Isaiah 29:16

You turn things upside down [with your perversity]!
Shall the potter be considered equal with the clay,
That the thing that is made would say to its maker, “He did not make me”;
Or the thing that is formed say to him who formed it, “He has no understanding”?

Job 33:13

“Why do you complain against Him?
That He does not answer [you with] all His doings.

Romans 2:1

Therefore you have no excuse or justification, everyone of you who [hypocritically] judges and condemns others; for in passing judgment on another person, you condemn yourself, because you who judge [from a position of arrogance or self-righteousness] are habitually practicing the very same things [which you denounce].

Job 16:3

“Is there no end to [your futile] words of wind?
Or what plagues you [so much] that you [so boldly] answer [me like this]?

Job 36:23

“Who has appointed God His way,
And who can say [to Him], ‘You have done wrong’?

Job 38:2-3

“Who is this that darkens counsel [questioning my authority and wisdom]
By words without knowledge?

Job 40:2

“Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?
Let him who disputes with God answer it.”

Job 40:5

“I have spoken once, but I will not reply again—
Indeed, twice [I have answered], and I will add nothing further.”

Job 40:8

“Will you really annul My judgment and set it aside as void?
Will you condemn Me [your God] that you may [appear to] be righteous and justified?

Job 42:2-6

“I know that You can do all things,
And that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained.

Isaiah 45:9-11

“Woe (judgment is coming) to him who quarrels with his Maker—
A [worthless] piece of broken pottery among other broken pieces [equally worthless]!
Shall the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’
Or does the thing say, ‘He has no hands’?

Isaiah 64:8

Yet, O Lord, You are our Father;
We are the clay, and You our Potter,
And we all are the work of Your hand.

Micah 6:8

He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),
And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?

Matthew 20:15

Am I not lawfully permitted to do what I choose with what is mine? Or is your eye envious because I am generous?’

1 Corinthians 1:20

Where is the wise man (philosopher)? Where is the scribe (scholar)? Where is the debater (logician, orator) of this age? Has God not exposed the foolishness of this world’s wisdom?

1 Corinthians 7:16

For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband [by leading him to Christ]? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife [by leading her to Christ]?

1 Timothy 6:5

and perpetual friction between men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, who think that godliness is a source of profit [a lucrative, money-making business—withdraw from them].

Titus 2:9

Urge bond-servants to be subject to their own masters in everything, to be pleasing and not talk back,

James 2:20

But are you willing to recognize, you foolish [spiritually shallow] person, that faith without [good] works is useless?

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

Bible References

O man

Romans 2:1
Therefore you have no excuse or justification, everyone of you who [hypocritically] judges and condemns others; for in passing judgment on another person, you condemn yourself, because you who judge [from a position of arrogance or self-righteousness] are habitually practicing the very same things [which you denounce].
Micah 6:8

He has told you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),
And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?
1 Corinthians 7:16
For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband [by leading him to Christ]? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife [by leading her to Christ]?
James 2:20
But are you willing to recognize, you foolish [spiritually shallow] person, that faith without [good] works is useless?

Who art

Job 33:13

“Why do you complain against Him?
That He does not answer [you with] all His doings.
Job 36:23

“Who has appointed God His way,
And who can say [to Him], ‘You have done wrong’?
Job 38:2

“Who is this that darkens counsel [questioning my authority and wisdom]
By words without knowledge?
Job 40:2

“Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?
Let him who disputes with God answer it.”
Job 42:2

“I know that You can do all things,
And that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained.
Matthew 20:15
Am I not lawfully permitted to do what I choose with what is mine? Or is your eye envious because I am generous?’


Job 16:3

“Is there no end to [your futile] words of wind?
Or what plagues you [so much] that you [so boldly] answer [me like this]?
Titus 2:9
Urge bond-servants to be subject to their own masters in everything, to be pleasing and not talk back,
1 Timothy 6:5
and perpetual friction between men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, who think that godliness is a source of profit [a lucrative, money-making business—withdraw from them].


Isaiah 29:16

You turn things upside down [with your perversity]!
Shall the potter be considered equal with the clay,
That the thing that is made would say to its maker, “He did not make me”;
Or the thing that is formed say to him who formed it, “He has no understanding”?
Isaiah 45:9

“Woe (judgment is coming) to him who quarrels with his Maker—
A [worthless] piece of broken pottery among other broken pieces [equally worthless]!
Shall the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you doing?’
Or does the thing say, ‘He has no hands’?