Song of Songs 7:6-Song of Songs 8:4 - Solomon Longs For The Young Woman's Affection

“How beautiful and how delightful you are,
My love, with all your delights!
“Your stature is like that of a palm tree
And your breasts like its clusters [of dates].
“I said, ‘I will climb the palm tree;
I will grasp its branches.
Let your breasts be like clusters of the grapevine,
And the fragrance of your breath like apples,
‘And your kisses like the best wine!’”
10 (The Shulammite Bride)“It goes down smoothly and sweetly for my beloved,
Gliding gently over his lips while he sleeps.
“I am my beloved’s,
And his desire is for me.

“Come, my beloved, let us go out into the country,
Let us spend the night in the villages.
“Let us go out early to the vineyards;
Let us see whether the vine has budded
And its blossoms have opened,
And whether the pomegranates have flowered.
There I will give you my love.
“The mandrakes give forth fragrance,
And over our doors are all [kinds of] choice fruits,
Both new and old,
Which I have saved up for you, my beloved.

1 “Oh, that you were like a brother to me,
Who nursed at the breasts of my mother.
If I found you out of doors, I would kiss you;
No one would blame me or despise me, either.
“I would lead you and bring you
Into the house of my mother, who used to instruct me;
I would give you spiced wine to drink from the juice of my pomegranates.
“Let his left hand be under my head
And his right hand embrace me.”
4 (The Bridegroom)
“I command you to take an oath, O daughters of Jerusalem,
That you do not rouse nor awaken my love
Until she pleases.”