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Reference: Agag


1. A general name of the kings of the Amalekites; apparently like Pharaoh for the Egyptian kings, Nu 1-36; 24:7; 1Sa 15:8. The last one mentioned in Scripture was "hewed in pieces" by Samuel, before the Lord, because Saul had sinfully spared him and the flocks and herds, when ordered utterly to exterminate them. He seems to have incurred an uncommon punishment by infamous cruelties, 1Sa 15:33.

2. Agagite, in Es 3:1,10; 8:3,5 is used to mark the nation whence Haman sprung. Josephus explains the word by Amalekite.

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flame, the usual title of the Amalekite kings, as "Pharaoh" was of the Egyptian.

(1.) A king of the Amalekites referred to by Balaam (Nu 24:7). He lived at the time of the Exodus.

(2.) Another king of the Amalekites whom Saul spared unlawfully, but whom Samuel on his arrival in the camp of Saul ordered, in retributive justice (Jg 1), to be brought out and cut in pieces (1Sa 15:8-33. Comp. Ex 17:11; Nu 14:45).

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("fiery one"; compare Arabic "burn".) A common title of the Amalekite kings; as Pharaoh of the Egyptian. Nu 24:7 implies their greatness at that time. Saul's sparing the Agag of his time (1Sa 15:32) contrary to God's command, both then and from the first (Ex 17:14; De 25:17-19), because of Amalek's having intercepted Israel in the desert, so as to defeat the purpose of God Himself concerning His people, entailed on Saul loss of his throne and life. Agag came to Samuel "delicately" (rather contentedly, pleasantly), confident of his life being spared. But Samuel executed retributive justice (as in the case of Adonibezek, Judges 1), hewing him to pieces, and so making his mother childless, as he had made other women childless by hewing their sons to pieces (in consonance with his fiery character, as Agag means). This retribution in kind explains the unusual mode of execution. Haman the Agagite (Es 3:1-10; 8:3-5) was thought by the Jews his descendant, whence sprung his hatred to their race.

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1. Nu 24:7, probably a copyist's error: Septuagint has Gog. 2. 1Sa 15, the king of Amalek, whom Saul defeated and spared; some Gr. MSS name his father Aser (1Sa 15:33). Whether he met his fate bravely or timidly cannot be determined from the extant text (1Sa 15:32). Samuel considered him to be under the ban of extermination, and therefore killed him as a religious act (1Sa 15:33).

J. Taylor.

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King of the Amalekites whom Saul should have killed, but whom he spared. Samuel slew him, declaring that as Agag's sword had made women childless so his mother should now be childless. 1Sa 15:8-33. The name also occurs in Nu 24:7, where Balaam said of Israel "his king shall be higher than Agag." It is supposed that 'Agag' was the common title of the kings of the Amalekites, as Pharaoh was that of the Egyptians.

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(flame), possibly the title of the kings of Amalek, like Pharaoh of Egypt. One king of this name is mentioned in

Nu 24:7

and another in 1Sam 15:8,9,20,32 The latter was the king of the Amalekites, whom Saul spared contrary to Jehovah's well-known will.

Ex 17:14; De 25:17

For this act of disobedience Samuel was commissioned to declare to Saul his rejection, and he himself sent for Agag and cut him in pieces. (B.C. about 1070.) [SAMUEL]. Haman is called the AGAGITE in

See Samuel

See Agagite

Es 3:1; 8:3,5

The Jews consider him a descendant of Agag the Amalekite.

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AGAG. This seems to have been a common name of the princes of Amalek, one of whom was very powerful as early as the time of Moses, Nu 24:7. On account of the cruelties exercised by this king and his army against the Israelites, as they returned from Egypt a bloody and long contested battle took place between Joshua and the Amalekites, in which the former was victorious, Ex 17:8-13. At the same time, God protested with an oath to destroy Amalek, verses 14-16; De 25:17-19, A.M. 2513. About four hundred years after this, the Lord remembered the cruel treatment of his people, and his own oath; and he commanded Saul, by the mouth of Samuel, to destroy the Amalekites. Saul mustered his army, and found it two hundred thousand strong, 1Sa 15:1, &c. Having entered into their country, he cut in pieces all he could meet with from Havilah to Shur. Agag their king, and the best of their cattle, were however spared, an act of disobedience on the part of Saul, probably dictated by covetousness. But Agag did not long, enjoy this reprieve; for Samuel no sooner heard that he was alive, than he sent for him; and notwithstanding his insinuating address, and the vain hopes with which he flattered himself that the bitterness of death was past, he caused him to be hewed to pieces in Gilgal before the Lord, saying, "As ????, in the same identical mode as, thy sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless among women." This savage chieftain had hewed many prisoners to death; and, therefore, by command of the Judge of the whole earth, he was visited with the same punishment which he had inflicted upon others.

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