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The curse of the Lord is on the house of the evil-doer, but his blessing is on the tent of the upright.

A good-for-nothing man is an evil-doer; he goes on his way causing trouble with false words;

The Lord will not let the upright be in need of food, but he puts far from him the desire of the evil-doers.

The tongue of the upright man is like tested silver: the heart of the evil-doer is of little value.

The thing feared by the evil-doer will come to him, but the upright man will get his desire.

The upright man will never be moved, but evil-doers will not have a safe resting-place in the land.

The lips of the upright man have knowledge of what is pleasing, but twisted are the mouths of evil-doers.

The righteousness of the good man will make his way straight, but the sin of the evil-doer will be the cause of his fall.

The desire of the upright man is only for good, but wrath is waiting for the evil-doer.

Evil-doers are overturned and never seen again, but the house of upright men will keep its place.

The wicked hath desired the net of evil doers, And the root of the righteous giveth.

Righteousness keeps safe him whose way is without error, but evil-doers are overturned by sin.

The upright man has food to the full measure of his desire, but there will be no food for the stomach of evil-doers.

The offering of the evil-doer is disgusting to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright man is his delight.

The way of the evil-doer is disgusting to the Lord, but he who goes after righteousness is dear to him.

The heart of the upright gives thought to his answer; but from the mouth of the evil-doer comes a stream of evil things.

An evil-doer giveth heed to wicked lips; And a liar giveth ear to a mischievous tongue.

When the evil-doer comes, a low opinion comes with him, and with the loss of honour comes shame.

To have respect for the person of the evil-doer is not good, or to give a wrong decision against the upright.

A good-for-nothing witness makes sport of the judge's decision: and the mouth of evil-doers sends out evil like a stream.

A wise king puts evil-doers to flight, and makes their evil-doing come back on them.

By their violent acts the evil-doers will be pulled away, because they have no desire to do what is right.

The desire of the evil-doer is fixed on evil: he has no kind feeling for his neighbour.

The Upright One, looking on the house of the evil-doer, lets sinners be overturned to their destruction.

The evil-doer will be given as a price for the life of the good man, and the worker of deceit in the place of the upright.

The offering of evil-doers is disgusting: how much more when they give it with an evil purpose!

The evil-doer makes his face hard, but as for the upright, he gives thought to his way.

Do not keep a secret watch, O evil-doer, against the fields of the upright man, or send destruction on his resting-place:

Fret not thyself because of evil-doers; Neither be thou envious at the wicked:

He who says to the evil-doer, You are upright, will be cursed by peoples and hated by nations.

Take away evil-doers from before the king, and the seat of his power will be made strong in righteousness.

Like a troubled fountain and a dirty spring, is an upright man who has to give way before evil-doers.

Those who have no respect for the law give praise to the evil-doer; but such as keep the law are against him.

When the upright do well, there is great glory; but when evil-doers are lifted up, men do not let themselves be seen.

When evil-doers are lifted up, men take cover; but when destruction overtakes them, the upright are increased.

Men of blood are haters of the good man, and evil-doers go after his soul.

If a ruler gives attention to false words, all his servants are evil-doers.

An evil man is disgusting to the upright, and he who is upright is disgusting to evil-doers.