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Which of the two did the will of the father?" They said, "The last." Jesus said to them, "I tell you truly, the taxgatherers and harlots are going into the Realm of God before you.

For John showed you the way to be good and you would not believe him; the taxgatherers and harlots believed him, and even though you saw that, you would not change your mind afterwards and believe him.

But as soon as this son of yours arrives, after having wasted your means with harlots, you kill the fatted calf for him!'

Do you not know your bodies are members of Christ? Am I to take Christ's members and devote them to a harlot? Never!

So too with Rahab the harlot. Was she not justified by what she did, when she entertained the scouts and got them away by a different road?

Then came one of the seven angels with the seven plagues and spoke to me, saying, "Come and I will show you the doom of the great Harlot who is seated on many waters,

As for the ten horns you have seen, they and the Beast will hate the harlot, lay her waste, and strip her naked; they will devour her flesh and burn her with fire,