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For unto whomsoever God giveth riches, goods and power, he giveth it him to enjoy it, to take it for his portion, and to be refreshed of his labour: this is now the gift of God.

Non-Exact Match

And I gave you a land in which ye did not labor, and cities which you built not, and ye dwelt in them. And vines, and olive trees which ye planted not, and ye ate of them.

For what else hath a man, of all the labor that he taketh under the Sun?

applied my mind to seek out and search for the knowledge of all things that are done under heaven. Such travail and labor hath God given to the children of men, to exercise themselves therein.

For what getteth a man of all the labor and travail of his mind, that he taketh under the Sun,

Use thy self to live joyfully with thy wife whom thou lovest, all the days of thy life which is but vanity, that God hath given thee under the Sun; all the days of thy vanity. For that is thy portion in this life, of all thy labor and travail that thou takest under the Sun.

Consider the lilies, how they grow. They labor not. They spin not. And yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all this royalty was not clothed like to one of these.

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