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After hearing what the king said, they went to Bethlehem, while, strange to say, the star they had seen in the east led them on until it came and stood over the place where the babe was.

and do not imagine that you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our forefather,' for I tell you that God can raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones.

Or how say to your brother, 'Allow me to take the splinter out of your eye,' while the beam is in your own eye?

Many will say to me on that day, "'Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name expelled demons, and in Thy name performed many mighty works?'

"Sir," replied the Captain, "I am not a fit person to receive you under my roof: merely say the word, and my servant will be cured.

For I myself am also under authority, and have soldiers under me. To one I say 'Go,' and he goes, to another 'Come,' and he comes, and to my slave 'Do this or that,' and he does it."

But, to prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to pardon sins" --He then says to the paralytic, "Rise, and take up your bed and go home."

When the messengers had taken their leave, Jesus proceeded to say to the multitude concerning John, "What did you go out into the Desert to gaze at? A reed waving in the wind?

"'We have played the flute to you,' they say, 'and you have not danced: we have sung dirges, and you have not beaten your breasts.'

Then he says, 'I will return to my house that I left;' and he comes and finds it unoccupied, swept clean, and in good order.

but you--this is what you say: 'If a man says to his father or mother, That is consecrated, whatever it is, which otherwise you should have received from me--

When He arrived in the neighbourhood of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus questioned His disciples. "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" He asked.

"Some say John the Baptist," they replied; "others Elijah; others Jeremiah or one of the Prophets."

"But you, who do you say that I am?" He asked again.

"Why then," asked the disciples, "do the Scribes say that Elijah must first come?"

And if any one says anything to you, say, 'The Master needs them,' and he will at once send them."

"I solemnly tell you," said Jesus, "that if you have an unwavering faith, you shall not only perform such a miracle as this of the fig-tree, but that even if you say to this mountain, 'Be thou lifted up and hurled into the sea,' it shall be done;

John's Baptism, whence was it? --had it a heavenly or a human origin?" So they debated the matter among themselves. "If we say 'a heavenly origin,'" they argued, "he will say, 'Why then did you not believe him?'

and if we say 'a human origin' we have the people to fear, for they all hold John to have been a Prophet."

But as to the Resurrection of the dead, have you never read what God says to you,

No one could say a word in reply, nor from that day did any one venture again to put a question to Him.

"Alas for you, you blind guides, who say, "'Whoever swears by the Sanctuary it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the Sanctuary, is bound by the oath.'

And you say, "'Whoever swears by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the offering lying on it is bound by the oath.'

For I tell you that you will never see me again until you say, 'Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord.'"

"If at that time any one should say to you, 'See, here is the Christ!' or 'Here!' give no credence to it.

If therefore they should say to you, 'See, He is in the Desert!' do not go out there: or 'See, He is indoors in the room!' do not believe it.

But if the man, being a bad servant, should say in his heart, 'My master is a long time in coming,'

"Go into the city," He replied, "to a certain man, and tell him, 'The Teacher says, My time is close at hand. It is at your house that I shall keep the Passover with my disciples.'"

telling them to say, "His disciples came during the night and stole his body while we were asleep."

Which is easier?--to say to this paralytic, 'Your sins are pardoned,' or to say, 'Rise, take up your mat, and walk?'

"To you I say, 'Rise, take up your mat and go home.'"

But He many a time checked them, forbidding them to say who He was.

He went on to say, "Is the lamp brought in in order to be put under the bushel or under the bed? Is it not rather in order that it may be placed on the lampstand?

Then they were filled with terror, and began to say to one another, "Who is this, then? For even wind and sea obey Him."

While He is yet speaking, men come from the house to the Warden, and say, "Your daughter is dead: why trouble the Rabbi further?"

Then, taking her by the hand, He says to her, "Talitha, koum;" that is to say, "Little girl, I command you to wake!"

They had noticed that some of His disciples were eating their food with 'unclean' (that is to say, unwashed)

From that place Jesus and His disciples went to the villages belonging to Caesarea Philippi. On the way He began to ask His disciples, "Who do people say that I am?"

"John the Baptist," they replied, "but others say Elijah, and others, that it is one of the Prophets."

He went on to say, "In solemn truth I tell you that some of those who are standing here will certainly not taste death till they have seen the Kingdom of God already come in power."

For he knew not what to say: they were filled with such awe.

They also asked Him, "How is it that the Scribes say that Elijah must first come?"

Yet I tell you that not only has Elijah come, but they have also done to him whatever they chose, as the Scriptures say about him."

And if any one asks you, 'Why are you doing that?' say, 'The Master needs it, and will send it back here without delay.'"

In solemn truth I tell you that if any one shall say to this mountain, 'Remove, and hurl thyself into the sea,' and has no doubt about it in his heart, but stedfastly believes that what he says will happen, it shall be granted him.

So they debated the matter with one another. "Suppose we say, 'Heavenly,'" they argued, "he will ask, 'Why then did you not believe him?'

Or should we say, 'human?'" They were afraid of the people; for all agreed in holding John to have been really a Prophet.

But, while teaching in the Temple, Jesus asked, "How is it the Scribes say that the Christ is a son of David?

So Jesus began to say to them: "Take care that no one misleads you.

"At that time if any one says to you, 'See, here is the Christ!' or 'See, He is there!' do not believe it.

Moreover, what I say to you I say to all--Be wakeful!"

"We have heard him say, 'I will pull down this Sanctuary built by human hands, and three days afterwards I will erect another built without hands.'"

Again the maidservant saw him, and again began to say to the people standing by, "He is one of them."

Accordingly John used to say to the crowds who came out to be baptized by him, "O vipers' brood, who has warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

Live lives which shall prove your change of heart; and do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our forefather,' for I tell you that God can raise up descendants for Abraham from these stones.

Then He proceeded to say to them, "To-day is this Scripture fulfilled in your hearing."

Which is easier? --to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise and walk'?

Nor does any one after drinking old wine wish for new; for he says, 'The old is better.'"

How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take that splinter out of your eye,' when all the while you yourself do not see the beam in your own eye? Vain pretender! take the beam out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly to take the splinter out of your brother's eye.

For I too am a man obedient to authority, and have soldiers under me; and I say to one, 'Go,' and he goes; to another, 'Come,' and he comes; and to my slave, 'Do this or that,' and he does it."

When John's messengers were gone, He proceeded to say to the multitude concerning John, "What did you go out into the Desert to gaze at? A reed waving in the wind?

The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, 'Look, there is a man who is overfond of eating and drinking--he is a friend of tax-gatherers and notorious sinners!'

In answer to his thoughts Jesus said to him, "Simon, I have a word to say to you." "Rabbi, say on," he replied.

"John the Baptist," they replied; "but others say Elijah; and others that some one of the ancient Prophets has come back to life."

"Master," said yet another, "I will follow you; but allow me first to go and say good-bye to my friends at home."

"But whatever town you come to and they will not receive you, go out into the broader streets and say,

And He said to them, "Which of you shall have a friend and shall go to him in the middle of the night and say, "'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread;

"So I say to you, 'Ask, and what you ask for shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened to you.'

And if Satan really has engaged in fierce conflict with himself, how shall his kingdom stand?--because you say that I expel demons by the power of Baal-zebul.

"When a foul spirit has left a man, it roams about in the Desert, seeking a resting-place; but, unable to find any, it says, 'I will return to the house I have left;"

Now when the crowds came thronging upon Him, He proceeded to say, "The present generation is a wicked generation: it requires some sign, but no sign shall be given to it except that of Jonah.

Meanwhile the people had come streaming towards Him by tens of thousands, so that they were trampling one another under foot. And now He proceeded to say to His disciples first, "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, that is to say, beware of hypocrisy.

I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who after killing has power to throw into Gehenna: yes, I say to you, fear him.

And when they are bringing you before synagogues and magistrates and governors, do not anxiously ponder the manner or matter of your defence, nor what you are to say;