Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

For many dreams bring futility, so do many words. Therefore, fear God.

He said:

“Listen to what I say:
If there is a prophet among you from the Lord,
I make Myself known to him in a vision;
I speak with him in a dream.

The prophet who has only a dream should recount the dream, but the one who has My word should speak My word truthfully, for what is straw compared to grain?”—this is the Lord’s declaration.

After this
I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity;
then your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
your old men will have dreams,
and your young men will see visions.

For many dreams bring futility, so do many words. Therefore, fear God.

then You frighten me with dreams,
and terrify me with visions,

Should this stream of words go unanswered
and such a talker be acquitted?

Should he argue with useless talk
or with words that serve no good purpose?

The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly,
but the end of his speaking is evil madness.

therefore, prophesy and say: This is what the Lord God says: Because they have made you desolate and have trampled you from every side, so that you became a possession for the rest of the nations and an object of people’s gossip and slander,

But they will not make further progress, for their lack of understanding will be clear to all, as theirs was also.

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive,
but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.

Even when the fool walks along the road, his heart lacks sense,
and he shows everyone he is a fool.

But they will not make further progress, for their lack of understanding will be clear to all, as theirs was also.

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive,
but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.

Even when the fool walks along the road, his heart lacks sense,
and he shows everyone he is a fool.

I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

A fool's lips lead to strife, and his mouth provokes a beating. A fool's mouth is his devastation, and his lips are a trap for his life.

For many dreams bring futility, so do many words. Therefore, fear God.

A proverb in the mouth of a fool
is like a stick with thorns,
brandished by the hand of a drunkard.

A discerning mind seeks knowledge,
but the mouth of fools feeds on foolishness.

The one who gives an answer before he listens—
this is foolishness and disgrace for him.

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive,
but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.

The lips of the wise broadcast knowledge,
but not so the heart of fools.

A proverb in the mouth of a fool
is like lame legs that hang limp.

If only you would shut up
and let that be your wisdom!

Is there [no] end to your empty words? What provokes you that you continue testifying? If you were in my place I could also talk like you. I could string words together against you and shake my head at you, [but I wouldn't].

Who is this who obscures My counsel
with ignorant words?

Don’t answer a fool according to his foolishness
or you’ll be like him yourself.

Don’t slander a servant to his master
or he will curse you, and you will become guilty.

The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly, but the end of his speaking is evil madness. Yet the fool multiplies words. No one knows what will happen, and who can tell anyone what will happen after him?

Should this stream of words go unanswered
and such a talker be acquitted?

Should he argue with useless talk
or with words that serve no good purpose?

The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly,
but the end of his speaking is evil madness.

therefore, prophesy and say: This is what the Lord God says: Because they have made you desolate and have trampled you from every side, so that you became a possession for the rest of the nations and an object of people’s gossip and slander,

A fool's lips lead to strife, and his mouth provokes a beating. A fool's mouth is his devastation, and his lips are a trap for his life.

The tongue of the wise makes knowledge attractive,
but the mouth of fools blurts out foolishness.

A proverb in the mouth of a fool
is like lame legs that hang limp.

The words from the mouth of a wise man are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him. The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly, but the end of his speaking is evil madness. Yet the fool multiplies words. No one knows what will happen, and who can tell anyone what will happen after him?

The words from the mouth of a wise man are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him. The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly, but the end of his speaking is evil madness. Yet the fool multiplies words. No one knows what will happen, and who can tell anyone what will happen after him?

Should this stream of words go unanswered
and such a talker be acquitted?

Should he argue with useless talk
or with words that serve no good purpose?

The beginning of the words of his mouth is folly,
but the end of his speaking is evil madness.

therefore, prophesy and say: This is what the Lord God says: Because they have made you desolate and have trampled you from every side, so that you became a possession for the rest of the nations and an object of people’s gossip and slander,