Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

"See, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, nor are his ears too dull to hear. Instead, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have concealed his face from you so that he won't listen. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your tongue mutters wickedness. read more.
No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity. They hatch adders' eggs and weave a spider's web; whoever eats their eggs dies, and any crushed egg hatches out futility. Their cobwebs cannot become clothing, they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are deeds of iniquity, and acts of violence fill their hands.

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

This is the message that we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, and in him there is no darkness none at all! If we claim that we have fellowship with him but keep living in darkness, we are lying and not practicing the truth.

Everything God says is pure; he is a shield for those who take refuge in him. Don't add to his words, or he will rebuke you, and you will be shown to be a liar.

Jesus told them, "If God were your Father, you would've loved me, because I came from God and am here. I haven't come on my own accord, but he sent me. Why don't you understand what I've said? It's because you can't listen to my words. You belong to your father the Devil, and you want to carry out the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and has never stood for truth, since there is no truth in him. Whenever he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.

My little children, I'm writing these things to you so that you might not sin. Yet if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus, the Messiah, one who is righteous. It is he who is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the whole world's. This is how we can be sure that we have come to know him: if we continually keep his commandments. read more.
The person who says, "I have come to know him," but does not continually keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth has no place in that person.

"See, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, nor are his ears too dull to hear. Instead, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have concealed his face from you so that he won't listen. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your tongue mutters wickedness. read more.
No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

Are there still wicked treasures in the house of the wicked, along with deceitful and abominable measuring standards? Will I tolerate those who maintain deceptive standards and who use deceitful weights in their business? Her rich people are filled with violence, and her inhabitants tell lies their tongues speak deceitfully!

The person who plans on doing evil will be called a schemer.

Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who practice iniquity, who speak peace to their neighbors while harboring evil in their hearts.

"See, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, nor are his ears too dull to hear. Instead, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have concealed his face from you so that he won't listen. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your tongue mutters wickedness. read more.
No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

But the wicked are tossed like the sea; for it is not able to keep still, and its waters toss up mire and mud. "Yet there is no peace," says my God, "for the wicked."

"See, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, nor are his ears too dull to hear. Instead, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have concealed his face from you so that he won't listen. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your tongue mutters wickedness. read more.
No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity. They hatch adders' eggs and weave a spider's web; whoever eats their eggs dies, and any crushed egg hatches out futility. Their cobwebs cannot become clothing, they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are deeds of iniquity, and acts of violence fill their hands. Their feet rush to evil, and they are quick to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; ruin, destruction, and violence are in their paths. The pathway of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their courses. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks in them will know peace."

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

Let him not trust in a worthless speech. He leads only himself astray, for emptiness will be his reward.

"See, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, nor are his ears too dull to hear. Instead, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have concealed his face from you so that he won't listen. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your tongue mutters wickedness. read more.
No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

and incessant conflict between people who are depraved in mind and deprived of truth. They think that godliness is a way to make a profit.

You foolish Galatians! Who put you under a spell? Was not Jesus the Messiah clearly portrayed before your very eyes as having been crucified?

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men oppose the truth. They are depraved in mind and their faith is a counterfeit.

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

People deceive their friends, and they don't tell the truth. They have taught their tongues to tell lies. They exhaust themselves practicing evil.

and every type of evil to deceive those who are dying, those who refused to love the truth that would save them.

and incessant conflict between people who are depraved in mind and deprived of truth. They think that godliness is a way to make a profit.

You foolish Galatians! Who put you under a spell? Was not Jesus the Messiah clearly portrayed before your very eyes as having been crucified?

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men oppose the truth. They are depraved in mind and their faith is a counterfeit.

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

People deceive their friends, and they don't tell the truth. They have taught their tongues to tell lies. They exhaust themselves practicing evil.

and every type of evil to deceive those who are dying, those who refused to love the truth that would save them.

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

Blessings come upon the head of the righteous, but the words of the wicked conceal violence.

Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life present in him.

Are there still wicked treasures in the house of the wicked, along with deceitful and abominable measuring standards? Will I tolerate those who maintain deceptive standards and who use deceitful weights in their business? Her rich people are filled with violence, and her inhabitants tell lies their tongues speak deceitfully!

God, if only you would execute the wicked, so that the men guilty of bloodshed would get away from me, who speak against you with evil motives, your enemies who are acting in vain.

"See, the LORD's hand is not too short to save, nor are his ears too dull to hear. Instead, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have concealed his face from you so that he won't listen. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your tongue mutters wickedness. read more.
No one brings a lawsuit fairly, and no one goes to law honestly; they have relied on empty arguments and they tell lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity. They hatch adders' eggs and weave a spider's web; whoever eats their eggs dies, and any crushed egg hatches out futility. Their cobwebs cannot become clothing, they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their deeds are deeds of iniquity, and acts of violence fill their hands. Their feet rush to evil, and they are quick to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; ruin, destruction, and violence are in their paths.
