Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

for He had healed many, and as a result all who had diseases pressed around Him to touch Him.

and they begged Him to let them merely touch the fringe of His robe; and all who touched it were perfectly restored.

As soon as they got out of the boat, [the people] recognized Him, And they ran about the whole countryside, and began to carry around sick people on their sleeping pads or mats to any place where they heard that He was. And wherever He came into villages or cities or the country, they would lay the sick in the marketplaces and beg Him that they might touch even the fringe of His outer garment, and as many as touched Him were restored to health.

Then He directed the disciples to get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent away the crowds. And after He had dismissed the multitudes, He went up into the hills by Himself to pray. When it was evening, He was still there alone. But the boat was by this time out on the sea, many furlongs [a furlong is one-eighth of a mile] distant from the land, beaten and tossed by the waves, for the wind was against them. read more.
And in the fourth watch [between 3:00 -- "6:00 a.m.] of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, It is a ghost! And they screamed out with fright. But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I Am! Stop being afraid! And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus. But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]! Instantly Jesus reached out His hand and caught and held him, saying to him, O you of little faith, why did you doubt? And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat knelt and worshiped Him, saying, Truly You are the Son of God! And when they had crossed over to the other side, they went ashore at Gennesaret. And when the men of that place recognized Him, they sent around into all the surrounding country and brought to Him all who were sick And begged Him to let them merely touch the fringe of His garment; and as many as touched it were perfectly restored.

And at once He insisted that the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side to Bethsaida, while He was sending the throng away. And after He had taken leave of them, He went off into the hills to pray. Now when evening had come, the boat was out in the middle of the lake, and He was by Himself on the land. read more.
And having seen that they were troubled and tormented in [their] rowing, for the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of the night [between 3:00-6:00 a.m.] He came to them, walking [directly] on the sea. And He acted as if He meant to pass by them, But when they saw Him walking on the sea they thought it was a ghost, and raised a [deep, throaty] shriek of terror. For they all saw Him and were agitated (troubled and filled with fear and dread). But immediately He talked with them and said, Take heart! I Am! Stop being alarmed and afraid. And He went up into the boat with them, and the wind ceased ( sank to rest as if exhausted by its own beating). And they were astonished exceedingly [beyond measure], For they failed to consider or understand [the teaching and meaning of the miracle of] the loaves; [in fact] their hearts had grown callous [had become dull and had lost the power of understanding]. And when they had crossed over, they reached the land of Gennesaret and came to [anchor at] the shore. As soon as they got out of the boat, [the people] recognized Him, And they ran about the whole countryside, and began to carry around sick people on their sleeping pads or mats to any place where they heard that He was. And wherever He came into villages or cities or the country, they would lay the sick in the marketplaces and beg Him that they might touch even the fringe of His outer garment, and as many as touched Him were restored to health.

Then Jesus, knowing that they meant to come and seize Him that they might make Him king, withdrew again to the hillside by Himself alone. When evening came, His disciples went down to the sea, And they took a boat and were going across the sea to Capernaum. It was now dark, and still Jesus had not [yet] come back to them. read more.
Meanwhile, the sea was getting rough and rising high because of a great and violent wind that was blowing. [However] when they had rowed three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and approaching the boat. And they were afraid (terrified). But Jesus said to them, It is I; be not afraid! [I Am; stop being frightened!] Then they were quite willing and glad for Him to come into the boat. And now the boat went at once to the land they had steered toward. [And immediately they reached the shore toward which they had been slowly making their way.]