Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

But where shall Wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knows not the price of it; neither is it found in the land of the living. The deep says, [Wisdom] is not in me; and the sea says, It is not with me. read more.
It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price of it. It cannot be valued in [terms of] the gold of Ophir, in the precious onyx or beryl, or the sapphire. Gold and glass cannot equal [Wisdom], nor can it be exchanged for jewels or vessels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; for the possession of Wisdom is even above rubies or pearls. The topaz of Ethiopia cannot compare with it, nor can it be valued in pure gold. From where then does Wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? It is hidden from the eyes of all living, and knowledge of it is withheld from the birds of the heavens. Abaddon (the place of destruction) and Death say, We have [only] heard the report of it with our ears. God understands the way [to Wisdom] and He knows the place of it [Wisdom is with God alone]. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When He gave to the wind weight or pressure and allotted the waters by measure, When He made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, Then He saw [Wisdom] and declared it; He established it, yes, and searched it out [for His own use, and He alone possesses it]. But to man He said, Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord -- "that is Wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who finds skillful and godly Wisdom, and the man who gets understanding [drawing it forth from God's Word and life's experiences], For the gaining of it is better than the gaining of silver, and the profit of it better than fine gold. Skillful and godly Wisdom is more precious than rubies; and nothing you can wish for is to be compared to her. read more.
Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are highways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold on her; and happy (blessed, fortunate, to be envied) is everyone who holds her fast. The Lord by skillful and godly Wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding He has established the heavens. By His knowledge the deeps were broken up, and the skies distill the dew. My son, let them not escape from your sight, but keep sound and godly Wisdom and discretion, And they will be life to your inner self, and a gracious ornament to your neck (your outer self). Then you will walk in your way securely and in confident trust, and you shall not dash your foot or stumble. When you lie down, you shall not be afraid; yes, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet.

Hear, my sons, the instruction of a father, and pay attention in order to gain and to know intelligent discernment, comprehension, and interpretation [of spiritual matters]. For I give you good doctrine [what is to be received]; do not forsake my teaching. When I [Solomon] was a son with my father [David], tender and the only son in the sight of my mother [Bathsheba], read more.
He taught me and said to me, Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments and live. Get skillful and godly Wisdom, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation); do not forget and do not turn back from the words of my mouth. Forsake not [Wisdom], and she will keep, defend, and protect you; love her, and she will guard you. The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation). Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her. She shall give to your head a wreath of gracefulness; a crown of beauty and glory will she deliver to you. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life shall be many. I have taught you in the way of skillful and godly Wisdom [which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God]; I have led you in paths of uprightness. When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered [your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.

But where shall Wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knows not the price of it; neither is it found in the land of the living. The deep says, [Wisdom] is not in me; and the sea says, It is not with me. read more.
It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price of it. It cannot be valued in [terms of] the gold of Ophir, in the precious onyx or beryl, or the sapphire. Gold and glass cannot equal [Wisdom], nor can it be exchanged for jewels or vessels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; for the possession of Wisdom is even above rubies or pearls. The topaz of Ethiopia cannot compare with it, nor can it be valued in pure gold. From where then does Wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? It is hidden from the eyes of all living, and knowledge of it is withheld from the birds of the heavens. Abaddon (the place of destruction) and Death say, We have [only] heard the report of it with our ears. God understands the way [to Wisdom] and He knows the place of it [Wisdom is with God alone]. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When He gave to the wind weight or pressure and allotted the waters by measure, When He made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, Then He saw [Wisdom] and declared it; He established it, yes, and searched it out [for His own use, and He alone possesses it]. But to man He said, Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord -- "that is Wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who finds skillful and godly Wisdom, and the man who gets understanding [drawing it forth from God's Word and life's experiences], For the gaining of it is better than the gaining of silver, and the profit of it better than fine gold. Skillful and godly Wisdom is more precious than rubies; and nothing you can wish for is to be compared to her. read more.
Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are highways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold on her; and happy (blessed, fortunate, to be envied) is everyone who holds her fast. The Lord by skillful and godly Wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding He has established the heavens. By His knowledge the deeps were broken up, and the skies distill the dew. My son, let them not escape from your sight, but keep sound and godly Wisdom and discretion, And they will be life to your inner self, and a gracious ornament to your neck (your outer self). Then you will walk in your way securely and in confident trust, and you shall not dash your foot or stumble. When you lie down, you shall not be afraid; yes, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet.

Hear, my sons, the instruction of a father, and pay attention in order to gain and to know intelligent discernment, comprehension, and interpretation [of spiritual matters]. For I give you good doctrine [what is to be received]; do not forsake my teaching. When I [Solomon] was a son with my father [David], tender and the only son in the sight of my mother [Bathsheba], read more.
He taught me and said to me, Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments and live. Get skillful and godly Wisdom, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation); do not forget and do not turn back from the words of my mouth. Forsake not [Wisdom], and she will keep, defend, and protect you; love her, and she will guard you. The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation). Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her. She shall give to your head a wreath of gracefulness; a crown of beauty and glory will she deliver to you. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life shall be many. I have taught you in the way of skillful and godly Wisdom [which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God]; I have led you in paths of uprightness. When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered [your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.

“Get [skillful and godly] wisdom! Acquire understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation]!
Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth.

But where shall Wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knows not the price of it; neither is it found in the land of the living. The deep says, [Wisdom] is not in me; and the sea says, It is not with me. read more.
It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price of it. It cannot be valued in [terms of] the gold of Ophir, in the precious onyx or beryl, or the sapphire. Gold and glass cannot equal [Wisdom], nor can it be exchanged for jewels or vessels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; for the possession of Wisdom is even above rubies or pearls. The topaz of Ethiopia cannot compare with it, nor can it be valued in pure gold. From where then does Wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? It is hidden from the eyes of all living, and knowledge of it is withheld from the birds of the heavens. Abaddon (the place of destruction) and Death say, We have [only] heard the report of it with our ears. God understands the way [to Wisdom] and He knows the place of it [Wisdom is with God alone]. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When He gave to the wind weight or pressure and allotted the waters by measure, When He made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, Then He saw [Wisdom] and declared it; He established it, yes, and searched it out [for His own use, and He alone possesses it]. But to man He said, Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord -- "that is Wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who finds skillful and godly Wisdom, and the man who gets understanding [drawing it forth from God's Word and life's experiences], For the gaining of it is better than the gaining of silver, and the profit of it better than fine gold. Skillful and godly Wisdom is more precious than rubies; and nothing you can wish for is to be compared to her. read more.
Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are highways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold on her; and happy (blessed, fortunate, to be envied) is everyone who holds her fast. The Lord by skillful and godly Wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding He has established the heavens. By His knowledge the deeps were broken up, and the skies distill the dew. My son, let them not escape from your sight, but keep sound and godly Wisdom and discretion, And they will be life to your inner self, and a gracious ornament to your neck (your outer self). Then you will walk in your way securely and in confident trust, and you shall not dash your foot or stumble. When you lie down, you shall not be afraid; yes, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet.

Hear, my sons, the instruction of a father, and pay attention in order to gain and to know intelligent discernment, comprehension, and interpretation [of spiritual matters]. For I give you good doctrine [what is to be received]; do not forsake my teaching. When I [Solomon] was a son with my father [David], tender and the only son in the sight of my mother [Bathsheba], read more.
He taught me and said to me, Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments and live. Get skillful and godly Wisdom, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation); do not forget and do not turn back from the words of my mouth. Forsake not [Wisdom], and she will keep, defend, and protect you; love her, and she will guard you. The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation). Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her. She shall give to your head a wreath of gracefulness; a crown of beauty and glory will she deliver to you. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life shall be many. I have taught you in the way of skillful and godly Wisdom [which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God]; I have led you in paths of uprightness. When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered [your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.

Yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, If you seek [Wisdom] as for silver and search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures, Then you will understand the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of [our omniscient] God.

Happy [blessed, considered fortunate, to be admired] is the man who finds [skillful and godly] wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding and insight [learning from God’s word and life’s experiences],

“Get [skillful and godly] wisdom! Acquire understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation]!
Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth.

The mind of the intelligent and discerning seeks knowledge and eagerly inquires after it,
But the mouth of the [stubborn] fool feeds on foolishness.

Yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, If you seek [Wisdom] as for silver and search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures, Then you will understand the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of [our omniscient] God.

Happy [blessed, considered fortunate, to be admired] is the man who finds [skillful and godly] wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding and insight [learning from God’s word and life’s experiences],

“Get [skillful and godly] wisdom! Acquire understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation]!
Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth.

The mind of the intelligent and discerning seeks knowledge and eagerly inquires after it,
But the mouth of the [stubborn] fool feeds on foolishness.

But where shall Wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? Man knows not the price of it; neither is it found in the land of the living. The deep says, [Wisdom] is not in me; and the sea says, It is not with me. read more.
It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price of it. It cannot be valued in [terms of] the gold of Ophir, in the precious onyx or beryl, or the sapphire. Gold and glass cannot equal [Wisdom], nor can it be exchanged for jewels or vessels of fine gold. No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; for the possession of Wisdom is even above rubies or pearls. The topaz of Ethiopia cannot compare with it, nor can it be valued in pure gold. From where then does Wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? It is hidden from the eyes of all living, and knowledge of it is withheld from the birds of the heavens. Abaddon (the place of destruction) and Death say, We have [only] heard the report of it with our ears. God understands the way [to Wisdom] and He knows the place of it [Wisdom is with God alone]. For He looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When He gave to the wind weight or pressure and allotted the waters by measure, When He made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, Then He saw [Wisdom] and declared it; He established it, yes, and searched it out [for His own use, and He alone possesses it]. But to man He said, Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord -- "that is Wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is the man who finds skillful and godly Wisdom, and the man who gets understanding [drawing it forth from God's Word and life's experiences], For the gaining of it is better than the gaining of silver, and the profit of it better than fine gold. Skillful and godly Wisdom is more precious than rubies; and nothing you can wish for is to be compared to her. read more.
Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are highways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold on her; and happy (blessed, fortunate, to be envied) is everyone who holds her fast. The Lord by skillful and godly Wisdom has founded the earth; by understanding He has established the heavens. By His knowledge the deeps were broken up, and the skies distill the dew. My son, let them not escape from your sight, but keep sound and godly Wisdom and discretion, And they will be life to your inner self, and a gracious ornament to your neck (your outer self). Then you will walk in your way securely and in confident trust, and you shall not dash your foot or stumble. When you lie down, you shall not be afraid; yes, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet.

Hear, my sons, the instruction of a father, and pay attention in order to gain and to know intelligent discernment, comprehension, and interpretation [of spiritual matters]. For I give you good doctrine [what is to be received]; do not forsake my teaching. When I [Solomon] was a son with my father [David], tender and the only son in the sight of my mother [Bathsheba], read more.
He taught me and said to me, Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments and live. Get skillful and godly Wisdom, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation); do not forget and do not turn back from the words of my mouth. Forsake not [Wisdom], and she will keep, defend, and protect you; love her, and she will guard you. The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation). Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her. She shall give to your head a wreath of gracefulness; a crown of beauty and glory will she deliver to you. Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life shall be many. I have taught you in the way of skillful and godly Wisdom [which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God]; I have led you in paths of uprightness. When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered [your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; guard her, for she is your life.